it's a date

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 ~Third person pov~

Cyrus got out of bed the next day and felt a sense of relief wash over him. Just as he'd lost his first safe place, another one had opened its self up to him. Although he couldn't deny that he missed Tj and missed being in their places, he had to accept that that part of his life was over. It was time to move on. 

He got dressed in a classic outfit of jeans and a long sleeved tee, looked in the mirror, and leaving his room to go to school. He wasn't walking today, Bex offered to pick him up. He heard the car honk in the driveway, and he ran out to get in. 

"Hey Cyrus," Bex greeted him, "How ya doing?" 

"I'm good, thanks." He smiled and looked towards his best friend, "Hey."

"Cy where were you at lunch yesterday? I have to assume you weren't with Tj," Andi said.

"Uh... I was hanging out with Amber," He hesitantly admitted. 

"Oh? Cool, I'm glad you two are getting closer."

"So you wouldn't mind if I hung out with her more?" 

"Of course not, she's great," Andi said, with a blush. Cyrus smiled at his feet, glad he now had an excuse to hang out in the basement more. 

They pulled up in front of the school, each saying their thank yous to Bex and then heading off in their respective ways towards class. On his way Cyrus passed the library, he had a moment of strength where he thought he could fight it, but eventually he gave in. He walked past all the shelves, straight towards the back corner. 

When he got there he noticed that the shelf was shoved aside to reveal the door. He pressed his ear up to the door and could hear a faint conversation happening inside. Cyrus worried that someone else had found this place.

"This is my place," A voice said.

"It's cool, you ever showed it to anyone?" A second voice erupted. This one was much more feminine.

"Nope, just you," said the first voice, "but we should probably go to class, I'll meet you here at lunch." 

Cyrus scurried away from the door and hid behind another bookshelf before the people inside could see him. The door opened and two people walked out, the first person Cyrus saw was Tj. He brought someone else to our place?  Cyrus thought, a sting in his gut. Suddenly the sting was more like a full forced punch, when he saw who else was there with him. A curly haired girl walked out behind him, Kira. 

Short of breath, Cyrus ran out of the library and to class. 


When the fourth period bell rang Cyrus was more than ready to leave class. He speed walked to the back staircase and hurried down, walking all the way down to room 004. At this point he was tired of holding back the tears, and he was unable to stop crying. 

When he entered the room, Amber was currently the only one there.

"Cyrus!" She said with concern, her sympathy turning to anger when she thought about who could've caused this, "What did he do?" She asked sternly. Her and Cyrus both knew that 'he' was Tj.

"Did he tell you about how there was these places we'd go when stuff got bad or overwhelming?" She nodded, "Well I went to one this morning because I missed him, but I found him there... with Kira."

"That dick! He can't do that! I'm going to talk to him, lay down until you feel better." With that Amber left the room.

Only a short while after, the door opened again. Cyrus was expecting to see Amber returning but instead it was Jax. 

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