I want that

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~Third person pov~

To Cy💕: wanna come over after school?? 

Tj sent a text to Cyrus during his seventh period. Tj had Culinary this period, but the teacher always just put on Top Chef and left the room, which left the kids to do whatever they felt like. Usually he would just listen to music or binge whatever show he was currently watching (At this point in time he was working his way through the shows in The Vampire Diaries universe) but now he actually had someone to talk to. 

Cyrus' English class was a bit more involved than Tj's, but he still managed to sneak his phone out once in a while, and he when he saw a text from his boyfriend he was unable to stop the smile forming on his face. 

To Tj💖: DUH!!! and I was texting Andi and she said she was going over to hang out with Amber (idk why lol. seems weird to me.)

To Cyrus💕: they've been texting non stop recently. i think amber came out to her too

To Tj💖: awe that's nice, im glad amber has a friend she can trust like that
To Tj💖: oh crap gotta go, i think Ms Nelson is staring to get suspicious that i keep smiling at my copy of Beowulf

Tj closed his massages and opened InstaPic. In his headphones he had the song 'Sidelines'  by Wallows. The song made him think about Cyrus, well every song made him think about Cyrus. Cyrus was constantly in his mind; Tj could probably manage to relate Gangnam Style to him, somehow. 

As if time had just flown by, the bell rang and the school day was over. He had texted Cyrus where Amber was parked so they could meet there. When Tj got to Amber's car he was not surprised to see Andi there as well. Not too long after Tj arrived, Cyrus walked up to the car. 

"Oh so this is a thing again?" She asked.

"Didn't Buffy say anything to you?" Cyrus questioned.

"You told Buffy and not me!? Okay I'm officially done talking to you today." Cyrus knew she was joking, but Andi played up the joke by promptly getting into the car and putting on a fake pout face. Cyrus laughed and got into the back seat next to Tj. 

The car ride home consisted of Tj taking dumb snapchat pictures of Cyrus and crating stickers of his face. Andi quickly let the joke go and they all made good conversation.

When they got to the Kippen's house Tj suggested that the four of them bake cupcakes. The others thought this was a fantastic idea, so amber found a recipe online while the others scoured the kitchen for baking and decorating supplies. 

"Should we do chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?" Tj called out.

"You should know the answer to that." Amber said through the kitchen.

"Alright, rainbow it is."

Cyrus propped himself up on the counter as Amer and Andi got out mixing bowls. Tj came out of the pantry and walked up to his boyfriend. 

"Why are you on the counter?" He teased.

"Look I know you're new here, but gays basically own sitting on counters." 

"That's the dumbest thing you've ever said," Tj said as he couldn't help smiling.

"No he's right," Amber butted in, "The gays own sitting on counters, bi's own all peace signs, and lesbians own  flannel." Tj just rolled his eyes and laughed at them. He loved how goofy they were together, and he also loved that the two most important people in his life were such great friends. 

Tj kept their conversation going, but now he had both of his hands on either side of Cyrus and they were close enough to stare right into each others eyes. Andi and Amber were non-existent to them in that moment. 

"I want that." Andi said, admiring how cute they looked. 

"You'll get it, I'm sure of it." Amber replied, then threw a measuring cup at the back of her brother's head, "Okay you two wrap up the love fest and start mixing the dry ingredients." Tj had an amused smile on his face as he turned around to pick up the cup.

Amber set up a speaker on the counter, her and Tj constantly went back and forth between changing the music from classic rock, to indie pop. Eventually the Spotify algorithm caught on and the playlist ended up as an equal mix of both. 

Once the cakes were in the oven they had an hour to kill while they baked. "What do you wanna do now?" Amber asked the rest of the group. 

"Can we watch a movie?" Cyrus suggested.

"Nooo I hate watching movies in the daylight!" Andi whined, "It ruins the mood. Especially if it's a horror movie." 

"Fine, we'll watch a movie later then. The sun's gonna set in a few hours anyway and our parents won't be home until later, they have bowling league tonight. But what are we going to do now?" Amber said.

"I suggest. . . nap time!" Tj said, throwing his arms over Cyrus' shoulders. 

"I have to agree, wake us up when it's time to decorate!" Cyrus told the girls, then they went up the stairs to Tj's room. 

"I'm having a lot of fun with you today," Cyrus said as he shut the door behind him and went in for a hug. "I love hanging out with your sister, and you." His voice was muffled through Tj's shirt. 

"Me too. You're amazing." Cyrus looked up at his boyfriend and smiled. "Okay. Nap time." Tj guided them to the bed and they fell onto it, still intertwined where they laid for a while.

Neither of them fell asleep, but after a few minutes Cyrus broke the comfortable silence. "Hey Teej, can I talk to you about something. In complete confidence. Like seriously you can't tell anyone, even Amber." He had a worried tone in his voice.

Tj sat up in bed to make eye contact with Cyrus, "Yeah. Is something wrong?"                                         

"Not with me, but I think Jax might be in a bad situation." Tj sat up even farther to signify he was engaged in what Cyrus had to say. "He told me that one of his exes is trying to reconnect, and his ex is not a good guy."

"Well who is it? Jax seems like a guy who can fend for himself." 

"It's. . . Reed." Tj's eyes widened, "and I know how manipulative he can be so I just don't want Jax to be put in a bad situation. 

"Okay. Yeah that's a lot to unpack." Just then the door flew wide open. 

"Alright love birds! Cupcakes are ready so lets go decorate, chop chop!"

They shared a look as to say they'd finish this later. But for now, Cyrus was ready to make the cutest cupcakes with the cutest boy.


AN~ it's been a hot minute and a half since i updated and i'm sorry about that. i just started school and have been busy with that.  I'll be writing more rn because i have fallen into a serious hole of missing tyrus. 

our secret places (tyrus)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن