Chapter Twenty Two

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Erika sits across from Mrs. Curry, one leg crossed over the other, dressed as FBI, she doesn't see the point when she can get what she wants easy enough, but she'll play along, even just for fun.

"What did the room look like when you found it, Mrs. Curry?" She asks the 'older' woman.

"I already told the local boys, there was blood everywhere"

"And Mr. Gibson—where was he?"


"How long have you been cleaning Mr. Gibson's house?" Erika asks.

"About five years"

"So you knew him pretty well"

"Well, not really well. He was real private. Not the easiest man. Not that I blame him" Erika frowns at her.

"What do you mean?"

"His wife dies in childbirth. Daughter hangs herself in the attic twenty years later. I'd be bitter, too. I think I got some pictures" She goes off to get them and comes back. "Here"

"Thanks. Can I keep these?" Erika asks looking through the photos.

"Suit yourself"

"Do you know why the daughter killed herself?" Erika asks.

"I don't know. That was before my time" Erika looks to her.

"Did you ever notice anything odd in the house when you were cleaning it?"

"Like what?" Mrs Curry asks her.

"Lights going on and off, things not being where you left them?"

"No. Well, maybe there was one thing"

"What's that?"

"Well, sometimes, I thought I heard like a...rustling in the walls"

"Like a rat?" Erika asks.


"Do you happen to know where Mrs. Gibson and her daughter were buried?" Erika asks.

"They were both cremated"


Erika walks back to the motel just as Sam and Dean pull up in the impala, she pulls off her shoes and walks barefoot. Dean smiles seeing her.

"Hey" he greets, she smiles back.

"Hey yourself, love" he chuckles and pulls her closer as she reaches them before he kisses her.

"What have you got?" Sam asks Erika as she pulls back from Dean, she pulls the photos from her jacket.

"Here" she holds them out. "Mother and daughter, cremated" Sam looks over the photos. "She also told me about rats in the walls"

"All right. So it probably wasn't the mom or the daughter. Whose ghost was it?" Sam asks.

"I don't know. But I say we give that place a real once-over and see"

"You say there's a new owner?" Erika asks.

"Yeah" Dean answers.

"I might be able to fix my little admittance problem" she states with a smirk.


The impala pulls up at the farm house. Sam, Erika and Dean see the lights on inside the house.

"Crap. So, what now?" Dean asks.

"We could tell them the truth" Sam offers.

"Really?" Dean asks.

(1) The Devil's Hybrid (D. Winchester)Where stories live. Discover now