Chapter Fifty-Two

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Sam lies in an otherwise empty bed, shirtless and trying to sleep. He opens his eyes, sighs, and rolls over. He sits up and sees Jess beside him.

"Hey, baby" Sam stares. "I missed you" Sam keeps staring.

"Jessica. I'm dreaming"

"Or you're not. What's the difference? I'm here"

"I miss you so much"

"I know" Jess reaches out to take Sam's hand. "I miss you too. What are you doing, Sam?"

"What do you mean?"

"Running away. Haven't we been down this road before?"

"No. It's different now"

"Really?" Jess asks.

"Last time I wanted to be normal. This time I know I'm a freak"

"Which is all a big ball of semantics. You know that"


"Even at Stanford you knew. You knew there was something dark inside of you. Deep down, maybe, but you knew. Maybe that's what got me killed" Sam looks up, startled.


"I was dead from the moment we said hello"


"Don't you get it? You can't run from yourself. Why are you running now?"

"Why are you here, Jess?"

"Would you believe I'm actually trying to protect you?"

"From what?" Sam asks her.

"You. Sooner or later the past is going to catch up to you like it always does. You know what happens then?" Sam looks down. "People die. Baby, the people closest to you die"

"Don't worry because I won't make that mistake again"

"Same song, different verse. Things are never gonna change with you. Ever" Sam looks down, then back up. Jess is gone.


Sam walks up to the bar. A sign that reads "BUSBOY WANTED" is on the door.


Another day: Sam holds a crate full of fruit and dumps it out.


And another: Sam carries a rag over to the bar and starts wiping it down. A waitress (her name is Lindsey) eyes him appreciatively and carries off somebody's glass and beer bottle. Sam continues to clean the bar with soapy liquid.


Lindsey is throwing darts; they land near the center of the target. Sam is at the bar next to the bartender. Lindsey turns to Sam.

"Hey Keith, you play?" she asks.

"That depends. What are we playing for?" Sam asks back.

"World peace" She answers.

"Oh, is that all?"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Shoot" Sam wipes his hands off on a cloth and tosses it at the bar. Lindsey retrieves her darts.

"You finished that crossword puzzle in the kitchen?"

"Uh, I guess. Why?"

"The New York Times Saturday crossword?" She asks. Sam looks down.

(1) The Devil's Hybrid (D. Winchester)Where stories live. Discover now