8 Years Later

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Rachel's pov

"Brayden get down here it's time for breakfast" I yelled to my nine year old son, who by the way takes way to long just like his father whom we don't speak of, we both live with Santana and Kurt but obviously they are asleep

"Hi mama" Brayden said sitting at kitchen island in our beautiful home in California

"Okay what do you want in your lunch for school" I said pushing his breakfast towards him

"Hmm turkey and avocado sandwich, goldfish then you choose the rest" Brayden told me with a stuffed mouth

"Hey chew with your mouth closed, oh aunt san is taking care of you tonight since me and rick will be on set till midnight but this weekend we are going to Disney then next week we're going to see your grandparents" I said to him getting his lunch ready

"Is uncle Kurt helping to?" He then asks me

"Only if you want little man" I told him with a smile

"Mom?" Brayden asks finishing his breakfast

"Hmm" I questioned

"Is rick my dad?" He asks me with a look

Now here is the question I've been dreading to answer, you see finn left after a year and half after our marriage started one day I just came home and there was a note on the table saying "I'm sorry rachel I love you" after that I was heartbroken then filed for divorce the thing is he actually signed it and I never saw him after that just up and left not contacting me or even trying his family but I've been trying to keep a brave face after all these years but I guess it's time to come clean,, oh and rick? Yeah he is my lovely boyfriend of 3 years he is actually a great man

".. rick isn't your dad bray.." I told him truthfully feeling a rush of relief get off of my chest

He gave me a look then said "then who is" he questioned

I pulled my phone out and scrolled to a photo of Brayden and Finn when Brayden just turned 2, I showed him the photo and pointed out to who his dad was "this is your dad" I said to him

"Wow um do you know where he is?" He asked me getting up to put his shoes on

"no.. I do not sorry" i said getting his bag ready

"So he left? I'm guessing" he said in a sad tone

"Can we not talk about him Brayden" I told him with tears threatening to fall

"When can we mom? He is my dad I want to know him.. we have 45 minutes until we have to leave please?" Brayden pleaded

He was always mature for his age "sit then" I told him

"Okay your dad was the most loveliest person I've ever met, he was the light in my life. We had you when we were both 16 he was so so good to you he did everything he could to make your first years the best you could ever have, I see him in you did you know that you have his eyes and messy hair.. you are literally a copy of your dad sometimes I even want to call you by his name.. the day me and dad met I felt like someone in my head was saying that's the one. We were both 12 at that time he is so sweet and kind, so so lovely Brayden I just don't know why he left all those years ago I'm sorry that I don't have those answers I wish I did all I know is that I love you and if one day you find him I will understand if you want to meet him or if you never want to meet him.." I said to him

He had his mouth drop "wow um what is his name" he then asks

"Finn.. finn Christopher hudson" I truthfully said to him

"Hey that's my middle name!! Is it a family thing then?" He asks getting up

"You are just full of questions little man let's get you to school then when you get home you can asked me all of the questions before I have to get to set" I said as we walk out our front door to head to his school.

I'm actually scared to go to Lima next week,, what if he is there? What if he yells at me? What if is the only thing in my head...

How was that???? Let me know!!!

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