She awakes

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Rachel's pov

First I'm in glee club and next thing you know it I'm here lying in a hospital bed, what the hell happen I quickly press the nurse button I see dozens of them rush into my room with my dad and some random other doctor

"Rachel do you know where you are?" My dad asked me

"Um Lima medical?" I said

"No you are in Cincinnati memorial hospital, do you remember anything" the random lady doctor asked me

"Oh um, I remember rehearsing for regionals then waking up here where is finn and Brayden" i asked them

"They are here, can i ask you some questions rachel?" My dad asks me

I nodded at him "okay what year is it?"

"2012" I told him

"How old are you, finn, and Brayden" he then asks me

"18,18,1 almost 2" I tell him

"Do you remember what happened two months ago today?" The lady doctor asks me

"Umm I was in school working on a big project with Santana" I told her

She the looks towards my dad and whispers "we need a head CT asap" he nods at her

"Can I see my husband and son now?" I said with attitude

They nod and walk out then a few minutes later walk in an older finn and some older boy "mama" the boys yells

"I'm sorry but I'm not your mom, my son is a year old" I tell the boy he then looks at finn and walks to sit on the couch with his head in his legs

"Rach, you suffer from amnesia this is Brayden, all grown up" finn says looking at the sad boy on the couch

"W-what?" I stuttered out

I look over at my so called son "Brayden?" I said then the boy looked up with a smile and walked over

"Hi" he says shyly

"Hi Brayden, you look so grown up" I tell my son

"See finn I told you he had your eyes and hair" I said telling finn but keeping my eyes on my son

"Family hug?" I said "family hug" they said repeating me, we all engulfed into a hug then i heard a knock at the door I pulled away to see Jesse st. James at my door

"Jesse?" I said confused

Both finn and Brayden looked towards the door, I could see the anger come from Finns face I rub my hand on his arm to calm him down a bit then whisper to Brayden "bray sit down for second please" he looked at me and nodded

"What are you doing here st.james" finn says with slight anger coming out

"I heard Rachel was in the hospital so I wanted to see how she was doing and I brought Flowers" he said walking in

"That's nice Jesse but you have to know I lost my memory" I told him, he got a smile on his face

"So does that mean I can" he says leaning in to kiss me

I push his face away which caused Brayden to laugh "Jesse I cant remember the last 8 years so I remember what you did to me, plus I'm married so please leave" I told him

Jesse nodded at me then walked out of my room "if he would of kissed you" finn said angrily but I interrupted him with a kiss causing Brayden to cringe a little and say "ew" we both pulled apart to laugh

Then two different doctors came in "hi I'm doctor Arizona Robbins I'm a pediatric surgeon and this doctor Lucy doner she is an ogbyn and we are going to be looking at how you and your baby is doing" she says to me

"IM PREGNANT WHAT, FINN YOU DIDNT TELL ME" I yelled towards my scared husband

"Babe babe don't get angry please it will hurt our little one" finn told me

"I'm getting a baby brother or sister?" Brayden then said

I smiled towards him and nodded "I'm pregnant wow um" I said with shock

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