He awakes

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Finns pov

Why is it so dark? What happened? Why did I hear my son say daddy wake up.. I just got to know you and I don't want you to leave me please wake up I'm begging you.. what the he'll happened, suddenly I see a light off to the distance do I run for it? I suddenly just fuck it and run, run as fast as I can towards the light suddenly I see a ceiling and then a tv now a bunch of machines then I see my son doing some work on a chair I look around to see it's just him

"b- bray" I croaked out

I saw him pause what he was doing and he looks towards me with the happiest smile on his face "DADDY" he yelled as he ran towards me and hugged me with all of his power and might

"How long have I been out?" I asked him

"2 days" he told me

"Where is mom and everyone?" I then asked

"Mama is in a coma and papa is working here until mama wakes up so it's just me" he then tells me

My whole world starts crashing down the minute Brayden tells me his mom, my wife the absolute love and light of my life is in a coma "a- are you sure? Can you call in a nurse" I asked my son

"I'm sure dad and okay" he says pressing the nurse button on my bed

Suddenly a nurse rushes into my room seeing I'm awake "we need to page dr.berry and dr.bailey" she says walking out

A few minutes later two doctors come into the room I recognize one since he is my father-in-law but the other one not a clue

"Finn thank god you are awake" Derek says to me

"I'm glad to be awake" I told them with a slight laugh

"Do you remember anything? Give me a description" Derek says to me

"My name is finn Christopher Hudson I live in Lima, Ohio with my 9 year old son Brayden Christopher Hudson and the love of my life rachel Barbra berry-hudson, the reason I'm in the hospital is because me and Rachel were in a car accident" I told the two doctors standing before me

"Great job mr.hudson that means no neurological issues, any pain when you woke up?" Dr.bailey asks me

"None at all" I told her

"That's great" she said writing things down in my chart

"Can I have an update on my wife and can I see her" I asked towards them

"Mrs. Hudson is stable but she has undergone 2 major surgeries in since you both got here, she is in a coma we don't know when she'll wake up but She is doing well so far so she could wake up soon" dr Bailey then told me

"What happens if she doesn't wake up" I then ask her worried about the answer

"We will get there when we do mr. Hudson, now you can't see her until she is out of icu and we won't know that information yet but we have another thing to discuss and I think your son shouldn't be here" she tells me

"No no he is my son he can stay" I tell her

"Mrs. Hudson is 10 weeks pregnant" she then tells me

I look at her with a shocked expression "p-pregnant?" I stuttered out

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