The talk

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Rachel's pov

Im here sitting here in my old home across from my ex husband while my son is at my parents house "so you still live here?" I asked him

"Yeah" He said looking down

"So why did you do that to us?" I choked tears back

"Rachel I had to let you and Brayden go, after I left that note I went to the army for 2 and a half years then after I got a military discharged I went to your parents house thinking you'd be there and id just explain there but when I got there your parents literally yelled at me and your dad even punched the living hell out of me and said literally pushed me out of their house, but then the threw the Keys to this place at my face and I've been here ever since"
He saying with full honesty

"Wow.. why didn't you try contacting us?"  I then asked

"I wasn't allowed to in the field but after I did everything I could to get in contact, I tried your family that didn't work and i contacted Kurt he wouldn't budge at all to even say where you and bray were" he then told me

"Okay, what was your military discharge about?" I questioned

"I got shot in the arm and leg in the same battle so then after they just let me go and I've never looked back into joining again" finn told me as he took my hand

"Are you okay now?" I asked him

"Yeah,, I'm always going to be okay around you Rach" he then told me kissing my hand, I blushed a little just then the door open to reveal Finns mom and Brayden

"Rachel" Carole says coming towards me with her arms open

I hugged her tightly "I missed you and how was Brayden?" I asked pulling away from her amazing hug

"He was great it's been forever since I've seen my grandson" Carole said to me

"Hi mama and Finn" Brayden says walking towards me shyly

"What's wrong" I said to him

"I want to go home" he said to me

"Okay let me just get my purse and we will go to grandma and grandpas house" I said getting my purse together

"No I want to go home home.. I don't like it here mom.." Brayden said shyly

"We cant leave yet bray I'm sorry,, here if you still don't like it till after rick comes tomorrow then we will be on the next flight out" I told him he then nodded

"Okay we are going to go, thanks for talking finn we will see you later come on bray" I said walking out the door and to my car.

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