Dirty little secret

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Rachel's pov

I'm headed to ricks house after I dropped finn off at the airport, I haven't seen rick in a week which is normal for us on our 2nd year anniversary he gave me a key to his house so I put the key in the door handle and open the door

"RICK?" I yelled out

I look around the bottom floor to see he isn't down here so I head up his stairs and look around when I suddenly hear moans come from his bedroom I feel tears forming in my eyes when I put my hand on the door handle, I open it slightly to see my now ex boyfriend having sex with the makeup artist from set they both see me as I shut the door loudly, my sobs start echoing through his hallway I'm about to open his front door when I heard rick yell "Rachel Rachel stop I can explain" I turn around and glare at him

"Explain???!!! Explain what? That you cheated on me???" I sobbed

"Forgive me please rachel you know I can't live without you" he told me

"rick I cannot forgive you not now never,, you cheated on me and with the makeup artist like what kind of low shit are you on? I let you in my home! I let you in my life! My son calls you dad for crying out loud because he thinks you treat me right.. you know what rick it's over we are done have a nice life" I said throwing the key at him and running out of his life forever I quickly run to my car and drive fast but safely back to my house

When I get home I see Brayden on the couch with Kurt and Santana they all look at me "bray go upstairs" Kurt says to my son Brayden gets off the couch and goes upstairs

"Rach what happened" Santana said coming over to me

"H-he cheated on me" I said sobbing into my best friends shoulder

"He did what?" Kurt said confused

"I went to his house to spend time with him when I heard moans come from his bedroom next thing you know it he is begging for forgiveness and I threw the key he gave me at him and I left so quickly th-" I was interrupted by my own sobs

"Please tell me you broke up with him" Santana begged

I nodded at Santana but still sobbing when I heard "Mama?" Brayden quietly said from the stairs

"We will go you talk with bray" Kurt said taking Santana to the backyard

"Come here little man" I said motioning Brayden to come here

I wrapped my arms around him and he did as well to me we then pulled away from our hug when Brayden started talking "what happened mommy?" My concerned son said

"Well I want to let you know that rick will no longer be in our lives because he did something very bad to me" I told him

"Did dad ever do what rick did to you" Braydens asked me, I was surprised that he called finn dad

"Never he was good man and I loved him very much, I still love him" I said wiping my tears

"Can we have a movie night?" He then asks me knowing that cheers me up

"Yeah of course baby boy get the popcorn and load Netflix but let me tell kurt and san okay" I said getting up to head towards the backyard

"Did you tell him?" Kurt said

"Yeah do you want to join us for movie night?" I ask them

They both nodded no then Kurt said "you two have a mother and son night me and san are gonna hit the night to find some eye candy" I chuckle at his response

"You do that bye guys" I said hugging and thanking them both

I walk back upstairs to my room to see Brayden with a big bowl of popcorn in his lap "Mama can we watch finding dory?" He asks me

"Whatever you want little man" I said to him taking the popcorn bowl, I then take out my phone and take a photo with me and Brayden with the popcorn for my Instagram I post it to Instagram with a caption 'mother and son movie night 🍿' I then sent it to Finn with a text saying 'we wish you were here' he texted back saying 'move back' then it got me thinking what if we did move back?

"Hey bray?" I said to him

He looked towards me and gave a little hm "what if we moved in with your dad?" I said towards him

"What?" He says

"Yeah what if we packed up our belongings booked a flight and surprised your dad by saying we're moving in" I told my son

"What about uncle Kurt and aunt Santana?" He asked me

"They'll be okay, I'll put the house in one of their names and they'll ship our stuff to your dads plus you'll see them on holidays and when they come to Ohio also when we fly back" I told him

"I'm in! Let's surprise dad" he said excited

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