The scare

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Rachel's pov

Finn is at work, Brayden is at school and I've been extra hungry this pregnancy also Santana and Kurt are in town for the week so I'm hanging out with them currently "Hey berry why is this cabinet a mess?" Santana asks me

"It's called being 7 months pregnant and" I said when I suddenly paused feeling liquid run down my leg

"Rachel is that blood? KURT WE NEED TO GET RACHEL TO THE HOSPITAL" Santana yelled at kurt, he rushes towards us and helps Santana bring me to the car.

as Santana drives to the hospital I'm experiencing some pain in my stomach "ow" I cried "what is it rach?" Kurt says "I don't know it's probably contractions? It hurts so much" I sobbed to my brother in law "we will be at the hospital in 5 minutes 10 max I promise" Santana said as she drove.

We made it to the hospital safe and sound, Santana and Kurt walked me in the hospital which we suddenly saw my dad talking with another doctor at the or board "we need help over here" Santana yelled in the hospital, my dad looked directly at me and ran towards me "what happened are the babies okay.. LETS GET A GURNEY OVER HERE" my dad yelled, they brought it over and my dad help me on I then screamed in pain at how horrible this feels

They are wheeling me to god knows where... suddenly everything went black

Finns pov

I'm sitting in the auditorium watching my very talented students show their assignments "heather that was amazing now talk amongst yourselves while I prepare our next assignment which is sectionals" I said going into my office, I was preparing the set list when one of students came in I looked up to see it was Damian "mr.hudson can I ask you something" he says sitting down

"Yeah what's up" I said putting the list down

"I knew you were the quarterback here but how did you do it? Between schoolwork, glee club, your girlfriend" He asks

"Well it was very hard but during that I was also raising my now 9 year old son, just try to balance things out do most schoolwork in schoo-" I got interrupted by my phone ringing

"Sorry" I said getting my phone he nodded an okay

"Hello?, what huh Santana slow down what happened? SHE is s-she okay? The twins??? Is Brayden with you? I'll be there in 30 minutes" I said through the phone

"Damian I'm sorry I need to go my wife just got rushed to the hospital and I need to get my son, we can talk about this tomorrow okay?" I said to Damian as he nodded i ran out of the school to my sons school and ran inside his school to get him

"Can I check out Brayden Hudson it's an emergency" I said

"What's the emergency? And your relationship" The school secretary said

"Father and his mom my wife just got rushed to the hospital while I was at work" I told her

"I'll quickly get him out I hope your wife is okay" she says dial his son teachers room phone

A few minutes later Brayden came rushing down the hallway I got up took his hand and rushed him out the school "dad where are we going?" Brayden asks

"Your mom is in a hospital, aunt san just called me I went quickly to pick you up" I said putting him in my truck then to speed safely to the hospital

Once we got there I saw Santana, Kurt, Blaine, puck, Quinn, everyone you could think of, me and Brayden went towards them "where is she? How is she? What happened to the twins?" I said worried

"Rachel is okay, they are just taking some tests to see if the twins are okay" Quinn reassured me

"Rachel hudson?" The Doctor said coming in the room

I walk up to him "yes I'm her husband" I said to him

"Okay the twins are great, were you with her when she had her scare?" He asked

"No I was at work, her friends were with her" I told him

"Okay she had a false miscarriage which means there is some level of bleeding, but the cervix remains closed and the ultrasound shows that the babies hearts are still beating, both twins are stable Rachel is taking a nap but her tests should be back any minute but we want her to stay over night and she is on bed rest.. has she been on bed rest before?" He then tells me

"Oh thank god she is okay, you have no idea what I'd do without the love of my life.. yes she was on bed rest with her first pregnancy" I told him

"So you know everything? Great you all can see her now" he then said as I nodded

We all walked to her room in a rushing matter, once we got there I saw my adorable petite pregnant wife sleeping I went up to her and kissed her lips surprisingly she kissed back "I thought you were asleep?" I said

"It's called true loves kiss finny" she laughed, after a few hours of talking everyone left including Brayden.. "are you okay now?" I asked

"Yes Finny now I need cuddles, a month and a half we get to meet our babies" she said as I got into the tiny hospital bed with her, we then fell Into an amazing deep sleep.

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