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Rachel's pov

have some babies they said.. it will be fun they said well when you are a month and half overdue it's not fun since I'm having twins they were supposed to be out when I was 8 1/2 months pregnant but now I'm 9 1/2 months pregnant it's not fun, I'm so uncomfortable and bitchy also my cravings are off the roof currently I'm eating pickles dipped in peanut butter while finn has been refusing to kiss me so me and him are not speaking.. I have a doctors appointment in an hour to see when I can get these babies out of me, I went to work with Finn since he doesn't want to keep his eyes off of me

"Hey rachel" mr schue said coming in the office

"Hey Principal schue! How have you been?" I said

"Good good, how are the babies?" He then asks sitting down

"Not out yet but I'm going to the doctors in an hour to see if I can get them out" I then said

"Finn never told me that, so maybe that's why I'm taking over afternoon glee today" He then said

Finn came into the room with a bag and set it next to me then went into the choir room "okay that I thought I'd never seen, well I have to get going" mr.schue says

"Bye schue" I said as he walked out the door

I looked down to grab the bag I propped it up on the desk and opened it to see a bag of Reese's peanut butter cups, salt n vinegar chips, a blue Gatorade, and a whole block of cheese.. all of my cravings in one I start assembling my 'sandwich' Reese's cup, cheese, chip, then lastly Reese's cup before I put it in my mouth finn comes in and sits down with his lunch and my lunch "babe that's dessert" he said

"Well it's now because I'm craving it" I told him, he pushes my lunch towards me which contains an turkey sandwich and a salad with some fruit and pretzels his as well, I take a bite of my Reese's sandwich he gives a disgusted face "I don't understand, how come with Brayden you rarely craved things suddenly we have twins and ur all like get me thing and that" he says

"Every pregnancy is different finny" I said

An hour later we were on our way to the hospital for the appointment "I can't wait to get these babies out of me" I said uncomfortable

"Me as well babe, it's been a rough pregnancy" he says taking my hand and putting it Into his

We get to the hospital and went to labor and delivery to see dr. Montgomery there waiting for us, the 3 of us walk into the ultrasound room finn helps me up on the chair then dr.Montgomery starts talking "okay we are very overdue here, now have you two tried anything to get labor going?" She asks

"Yes, spicy food, walking, bouncing on a ball even sex but none of that has worked" finn said holding my hand

"Now let me check if you are dilated" she says,
She goes in between my legs and feels my cervix "okay you are 4cm dilated which is good now for twins we normally do natural birth but for you we might need to do a C-section" she says

"When can you do the c-section?" I ask

"We need to induce you first but we can do that all today because it is needed" she says to us

Me and Finn look at each other and give each other the yes and a smile, he kisses my lips then looks at our doctor and says "let's have some babies"

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