I want to be his dad

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Finns pov

Here I am on a plane to California to see the love of my life and son I haven't seen them since they left Ohio a month ago and I haven't been in contact since but I really want to get to know him another thing I want to do is get rick out because this is my family not yours buddy, just thinking of him just gets my blood boiling and we landed now it's time to get my family back.

Thankfully Kurt sent me their address so I can just take a taxi there, once we pull up to the house I walk up with my one bag of luggage and knock on the door, Rachel opens the door with a shocked look on her face "okay 2 questions why are you here? And how did you get my address?" She asks folding her arms

"Kurt and I want to get to know you and Brayden again.. I want to be his dad again" I pleaded

"Come in" she says opening the door so I can get in

"So where is everyone?" I asked sitting down on her couch

"Kurt is at work, Santana is at the mall, rick is in New York and Brayden is at school" she says sitting in the chair across from me

"Kurt still a fashion designer?" I asked her

"Yup and Santana is his 'assistant'" she said with quoting finger and a little laugh

"Hmm, how is Brayden doing at school?" I asked her

"He is doing okay but he has a math tutor since 3rd grade math is hard for him" she said to me

"Finn.. what are you actually doing here" she asked getting all serious

"I told you Rachel, I came for you and Brayden I truly did... do you know how hard it's been the past 8 years with you guys? I mean I know it's be hard on your half as well but I want to change that I want to be like the old days, don't you miss our movie nights and cuddle sessions also our late night talks ooo and family naps?? Don't miss that Rach? Because sure as hell I do" I said as I saw a smile creep up on her face

"Yeah I do, remember when it was 5 am and you woke me with a backyard surprise so we had a romantic breakfast did some things and slept in the backyard until Santana came and woke us up with a bucket of cold water I miss that, you were so sweet and lovely towards me hell I haven't been on date in 2 years and it wasn't even a real date just dinner but he left in the middle of it so the last real date I was on was with you" she told me I can totally see her blushing

"Do you think we can work it out? And possibly go back to the way we were?" I asked her

"One day finn but I'm sure we can work it out oh shit I need to go pick up Brayden from school do you mind coming?" She asks me

"Let's go then" I said walking out the door

Once we get to the school I see Brayden and he gets in the car "hi mama and oh finn" he says kissing her cheek

"Hi Brayden" I said towards him

"So what are you doing here?" He asks putting his seatbelt on as we drive off

"I want to get to know you Brayden, I want to be your father again because I was dumb and stupid that I left you two and I don't want to leave you guys again so if you are comfortable I would love if you would let me in your life again" I said towards him

"What's the catch?" He then says coming up in between the driver and passenger seat

"Put your seatbelt back on and there is no catch it's time for me to step up and be apart of this family" I said to him

"So no catch?" He said putting his seatbelt on

"No catch I'll even make dinner" I then tell Brayden

"Okay you can stay" he says with a laugh

Once we got in it was already dinner time so I went into the kitchen to see Brayden doing his homework "so bray what do you want for dinner" I asked him opening the fridge up

"A chicken avocado salad sandwich with a side of help with math" he jokes

"Okay what's the first question" I asked cutting the chicken up

(Okay reminder I'm shit at math so all of this is fake and if you'd like you can solve them and I'll Change it smsmsmsmsm)

"How many half's are in 6 circles" Brayden asks me

"12 because all you have to do is draw 6 circles and just draw a line in the middle then count the half's" i said while seasoning the chicken

"Thanks d- finn" he says writing the answer down

"Hey what's going on here" Rachel said coming in the kitchen

"Finn is cooking dinner and helping me with fractions" Brayden said

"What ya cooking?" Rachel asks me looking at the stove

"Bray wanted a chicken avocado salad sandwich so I'm making my special recipe" I said to her

"Omg Brayden your dads food is amazing, surprise that he never became a chef" Rachel said towards our son

"Instead what did you do or what do you do?" He asks me

"I have a teaching degree so Im applying for teaching positions in Ohio" I said getting our dinner ready

Once dinner was ready we all sat at the island in the kitchen "Mom when I get more comfortable with being around finn am I allowed to visit him?" Brayden said shyly

"Only if you want to bray I'm not going to force you into anything" Rachel says to Brayden

"If you want I do have room at my house and the next time you guys come to Ohio we can go furniture shopping and clothes shopping anything its your room" I told him

"Cool" Brayden says with a smile

I think I'm getting my family back!

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