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Elizabeth woke up the next morning in Meliodas' arms. He was also sleeping. She smiled and carefully moved his arm so she could get up. She stretched and yawned. She then felt her arm get grabbed and before she knew it, Meliodas pinned her down.

"Where you going?" He asked with a smirk.
"To shower, silly." She replied, poking his nose.
"Without me?"
"You could join, if you'd like." She blushed.
"I think I do wanna join." He said. He kissed her cheek and grinned.
"I'm just teasing~" He said, moving off of her.
"Dummy." Elizabeth smiled and laughed.

She sat up and got back out of bed. She grabbed a towel and some clothes and went into the bathroom and turned the shower on. She closed the door and hopped in.

Meliodas smiled and went downstairs to greet everyone else.

"Good morning, Sir Meliodas." Gilthunder said.

In the room, there was Merlin, Diane, King, Ban, Elaine, Gil, Margaret and Veronica.

"Hey, little Gil! What are you all doing here?" Meliodas asked.
"Father says Elizabeth is needed in Liones so we came to get her." Margaret answered.
"Ah, I see. Well, she's in the shower right now."
"I'm surprised you didn't jump in with her." Ban said nonchalantly.
"That's my sister, you insolent jerk!" Veronica yelled.

Elizabeth hurried down the stairs, nearly tripping in the process.

"Hi, everyone! Oh, sisters!" She exclaimed, running to her sisters and hugging them. "What are you two doing here?"

"Father instructed us to bring you to Liones. He says the townspeople need you, most likely for your healing magic." Margaret said.

"Oh, alright! But, everyone else is coming with us."

"That's fine!"

With that, Meliodas ran upstairs to wake up everyone else and they all headed to Liones. A few hours had passed and they finally made it back.

"I see they're still doing repairs." Elizabeth said.

"Yeah, it'll take a while for them to fix everything. Let's go. Father is waiting. Oh, and Sir Meliodas, he said he has plans for you all, too. Sorry, that part slipped my mind." Veronica said.

"Alright then." Meliodas replied. They all walked through the town, waving at villagers as they walked by. Meliodas took Elizabeth's hand and smiled at her. (all i can think of when i typed that is meliodas as a child omg)

As they approached the castle, the guards immediately opened the gates to let the rather large group in. After all, they're in the presence of not only royalty, but also a goddess.

They made their way down a long hallway, headed to Bartra's study, where he waited for the group to arrive. Once they entered the room, Elizabeth let go of Meliodas' hand and gave her father a hug.

"I missed you, father!" She exclaimed and started crying.
"Elizabeth! I'm so glad you're okay."
"Man, she may have gotten her memories back but she's still a crybaby." Veronica teased, giggling.

After Elizabeth stopped crying, the rest of the group gathered around Bartra's desk to listen to what he had to say.

"Elizabeth, as a princess of Liones, it is your duty to help the villagers heal after any tragedy."


"And with their families injured, I ask of you to heal them."

"You don't have to ask me, Father. I'll gladly do it." She smiled.

"Thank you. As for you, Sins. I have good news." He said, looking at the seven. Elizabeth walked back to Meliodas and took his hand once again.

"You aren't criminals anymore, so as the king, I hereby declare you all as Holy Knights of Liones. As you were years ago. Not only that, but you, Meliodas, will be the captain. Meaning you'll call the shots during battles."

"I'm so proud of you all!" Elizabeth smiled. Meliodas just stood there, admiring her soft features and smiled back. Veronica and Margaret noticed this and also smiled.

"Alright, let's get to work then, Capt'n." Ban said, causing the rest of the sins to pump their fists into the air, cheering. Elizabeth giggled and led them out of the study.

"Elizabeth! Can you show us your room?" Diane asked.

"Oh, yes! I've always wanted to show you all but I never got the chance!" Elizabeth exclaimed, clapping her hands together once. She made her wings disappear and led them to her room.

(okay in one of the chapters of the last book she needed medicine to make her wings disappear but i finished the manga and realized she doesn't so let's disregard that part lmao okay let's continue)

Eventually, they reached her room after walking down the hallway a bit more. She opened the door and allowed everyone to walk in. It was a big room, with two big windows, white see-through curtains, white bedsheets and pillows, a white fluffy rug, basically everything was white.

"Elizabeth, Th-This is your room?!" Diane exclaimed. Her jaw was practically on the floor. Elizabeth giggled.

"Yeah, it is. Perhaps we can all have a sleepover here sometime? I know we all live together, but we don't all sleep in the same room! Besides, it's been a while since we've had one."

"Yeah, you're right! Let's have one tonight!"

Meliodas laughed. He couldn't help it. His friends were like family to him, especially Elizabeth. Well, she was family, actually.

"Maybe it's time to take the next step." He thought to himself.


welcome back everyone!

sorry it took me so long to write this i've been busy with some other things.

it's time to predict what will happen next! let me know what you think will happen in the next chapter!

also, expect a few new ocs from me and also a reader (who i'll shout out once i introduce his character)

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