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A girl ran down a long hallway in a long, flowing, white nightgown and shoeless, panting. Her long blonde hair flowed behind her as she ran. Her ears were pointed at the tips. She make quick glances behind her to see the figure who was chasing her.

"Get back here!" The man yelled, causing the young girl to yelp and run faster. She made a quick turn around a corner, causing her to slip a little bit. She quickly recovered and began to run more.

"I'm so out of breath! I have to keep moving! If I don't then this guy will definitely catch me, and I can't allow that!" She thought to herself. She ran and ran until she reached a door. She opened it and slammed it shut behind her and locked it. The man started banging on the door and screaming "open this door!", she didn't comply. She backed away from the door and tried catching her breath. She ran to the window, pushed it open and jumped out. Surely she'll be safe now, right?


"Ellie, wake up." Meliodas whispered, poking the princess's cheek. She slowly but surely opened her eyes and smiled.

"Good morning, Mel." She whispered.

"Good morning." He whispered back. The two of them sat up and stretched before quietly getting dressed and ready for the day. After they were finished, they quietly tiptoed out of the room and shut the door. They grabbed each other's hands and began to walk down the hallway.

"What do you think resides in that house?" Elizabeth asked.

"No idea. Whatever it is though, we'll take care of it."

"Everyone's depending on us, Mel. We can't let them down."

"And we won't. I promise." Meliodas said with his usual cheesy grin, causing Elizabeth to giggle.

"Alright then! Let's go eat first then we'll head over to the house, sound good?" Elizabeth asked.


The couple made their way to the kitchen, where Margaret and Veronica were already waiting. They were making pancakes with chocolate chips and chocolate hazelnut spread. They mixed it all in with the pancake batter.

"Good morning, sisters!" Elizabeth said cheerfully, sniffing the pleasant aroma from the batter.

"Good morning, you two!" Margaret and Veronica said simultaneously.

"You didn't have to make breakfast!" Meliodas said.

"We wanted to! Besides, it's sort of a tradition for Mar and I to make breakfast for the new Holy Knight recruits. And there's been a lot recently, so we're making extra!" Veronica explained.

"We did it for Gil and Howzer when we were little! Though, father did help us a little." Elizabeth said with her finger to her chin.

"Yep! By the way, Ellie, how are you and Meliodas doing?" Veronica asked with a smirk.

"T-that's not your business, sister!" Elizabeth exclaimed, blushing. Meliodas laughed.

"We're doing just fine, Princess. In both ways!" He said.

"Meliodas!" Elizabeth exclaimed. "L-let's change the subject. Mel and I are going into town after breakfast to check out that house."

"Oh, are you gonna live in it together?" Veronica teased.


"Alright, Veronica. Enough teasing." Margaret giggled.

"Fine, but seriously though, be careful. I can't lose my baby sister a second time." Veronica smiled.

Elizabeth nodded. Meliodas grabbed her hand and looked at Veronica and Margaret with a serious look on his face.

"I'll protect her, no matter what happens. I'm not losing her again." He said. Elizabeth looked at him lovingly. Her sisters both smiled. They knew Meliodas' love for Elizabeth was genuine and strong. They could trust him when he said he wouldn't let anything happen to her.

After breakfast, Elizabeth helped her sisters put everything away and headed out to the village with Meliodas.

"So, how do you propose we do this?" Elizabeth asked.

"I think we should just walk in."

"W-what? You're insane. We have no idea who or what could be hiding in there. It's best to go with a less reckless approach, don't you think?"

"Yeah, maybe."

"Especially since we can now both die for good."

"There's not much of a choice, El. We have to walk in."

"Yeah I guess you're right about that, but let's just be careful."



i've been super busy with school lately and i can't update during our breaks bc they take our phones away in the morning it's kinda dumb but it's the rules

i want to write more for this chapter but unfortunately i still have homework to do 😔 i still love y'all tho dw

and dw i'll get to adding the ocs i just need to find a point of the story to do so

ANYWAYS answer these questions, just for fun!:
what purpose do you think the girl from the beginning of this chapter will serve? and what race do you think she is?

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