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"Hello, everyone!" Erina sang as she and Ira walked into Elizabeth's room.

"Hello, you two!" Elizabeth replied happily. She turned to Merit, whose eyes were practically sparkling with joy at the sight of Erina.

"Erina, Ira, this is Merit. She's a new friend of ours." Diane introduced.

"Merit?" Erina asked. It seemed as though she was remembering something. She put her finger to her cheek and looked down at the floor, thinking.

"Do you.. Remember me, Rin?" Merit asked.

"Rin?" Erina mumbled. "Now that I think about it, there used to be a woman who called me that when I was little.."

"Describe her." Meliodas said.

"Okay, well, let's see... She had long, blonde hair like yours, Merit, and a slim body and pointy ears.."

Merit took off her hat, revealing her ears. "Like these?" She asked.

Erina looked at Merit, standing still and quiet for a moment. Then her eyes filled with tears. She ran to Merit and delivered a big hug.

"I'm sorry! I forgot you! How can I atone?" Erina asked. Merit smiled and put her hand on her head.

"You don't need to, it's okay!" The elf replied.

After the touching reunion, the group decided to go check up on Zeldris in the Boar Hat, and to also get some work done. On the way there, Diane had a few questions.

"So, how do you two know each other?" Diane asked Merit and Erina.

"We used to be friends when I was a little girl." Erina replied. "I had gotten lost in the forest and Merit helped me get back home!"

"So if you remember that then why couldn't you remember what she looked like?"

"My guess is that since I was so young I somehow convinced myself it wasn't real."

"All that matters now is that you've reunited and now you know it was real!" Elizabeth smiled.

"Yes, that's right!" Merit exclaimed, grabbing Erina's hand. "So then, let's just enjoy the time we have for now."

i'm sorry it's been a while since i've updated lmao i've been busy and also kinda lazy

anyways this chapter is dedicated to PrincessItsuki since i promised to dedicate it to her 🤧 and also since she's a fan of this series

okay so i'll be trying to update more often! byeeeee!

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