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The girl with the pointed ears ran through a forest. She had been running all night, and it was now morning. She spotted a cave and decided to hide in it and catch her breath. She walked inside, examining the area and making sure no one was watching. She sat down on the cold ground and sighed.

"My feet really hurt.." She whimpered, rubbing her heels. Her feet were banged up pretty badly. She had cuts and bruises all over them, probably from running for so long.

"I have to find my way home. I can't let those jerks capture me. Not when I still have a duty to carry out." She told herself. She stood up, ignoring the pain of her feet.

"I suppose I should get going now. I'm sure I'll find my way there soon. And if not, I can always get some help. After all, not all humans are evil. Rin sure did teach me that." She said. She began to walk out of the cave and back into the forest.


this was just a filler chapter until i can figure out what i wanna do next, but it also has some important information in it!

make your predictions now!

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