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The night went on, very noisily however. The customers were all partying. Or, trying to at least. The rest of the gang had to calm them all down by cutting off the alcohol, meaning no more for them. They then passed out their checks and forced them to leave. Raiden then sighed, sat down, and put his head down on the table. He was exhausted.

"Do you deal with this every night?" He asked Diane.

"Not really, this is actually the first time this has ever happened. I guess Elizabeth shouldn't have so much to drink," She said, clearing her throat at that last bit, "Ban." Ban just laughed.

"You have to admit, it was pretty funny!" He said through his laughter.

"Ban!" Elaine shouted. She started to scold him about this and that and something about being careless. King snorted from the kitchen and poured mugs of ale, just enough for everyone.

"Well, since Elizabeth had some fun why don't we?"

"King never offers drinks! That's strange, but I like it. Cheers, everyone!" Diane said as she picked up her mug and held it up in the air. Everyone else did the same. They drank nearly all of the bottles of ale by the end of the night. Every single one of them ended up passing out on the floor of the tavern, each of them were sound asleep. Thus ending the party of the Boar Hat Tavern.

✿ ✿ ✿

The morning found Meliodas and Elizabeth cuddling in their bed upstairs in the tavern, which wasn't unusual for them. Elizabeth's eyes fluttered open only to see Meliodas in front of them. She looked around the room, it was spinning. She sat up and took a moment to process what happened last night. She remembered a few things, like giving out menus, waitressing, and basic things she normally does at their tavern. Then she remembered drinking ale and that's where it gets foggy. She blushed when she realized Meliodas was in bed next to her. Without a shirt.

"Okay, no big deal!" She mumbled to herself. "He never wears a shirt when he sleeps."

"Good morning, Ellie." Meliodas said in a sleepy voice, frightening Elizabeth, which made her headache worse.

"G-good morning." She replied, holding her head.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a concerned tone to his voice.

"Yes, I just have a headache. Um, Meliodas?"


"Did we—? You know, do anything last night?"

"Nope! Why, did you want to?" He said, giving a suggestive eyebrow wiggle. Elizabeth blushed again and flailed her arms.

"I-it's not like that, Mel! I was just asking!" She replied frantically. Her head hurt even worse now. At this point, she thought it would explode.

Meliodas giggled and stood up.

"I'm going to get you some medicine, and maybe something to eat?"

Elizabeth nodded before laying back down, burying her face into her pillow in embarrassment. Meliodas took the opportunity to kiss her neck to cause her more embarrassment.

"Meliodas, stop teasing me!" Elizabeth squealed, her voice being muffled from her pillow. Meliodas chuckled and finally left her alone.

"Alright, alright. I'll be back." He said softly. He left the bedroom and walked down the stairs to see everyone passed out on the floor. Ban and Elaine were cuddling, as were Ira and Erina. King and Diane were sharing chastifol, which was in its pillow form. Merit was sleeping by herself in a corner, as well as Raiden. As soon as Meliodas got into the kitchen, he heard a noise in the basement. He cautiously walked downstairs and looked around and saw Zeldris.

"Oh, hey Zeldris! It's been a while." He said.

"Hello, brother." Zeldris replied.

"Whatcha doin in the cellars?"

"I'm looking for more ale, that's all."

"Just ale?" Meliodas said suggestively, causing Zeldris' face to go red.

"I'm not looking for Gelda here, if that's what you're implying!" He exclaimed. He could be such a tsundere..

"Of course you're not."

"Anyways, how are things at the castle?" Zeldris asked, causing Meliodas to smash his fist into his hand as if he remembered something.

"Oh yeah! We came here to ask you if you could keep an eye out for suspicious people."

"Suspicious people? What have you gotten yourself into now?"

"Nothing yet. Elizabeth sensed something at a house in the village so we went to investigate and we think they're up to no good. Something about taking over Liones?"

"Huh.. Sounds like what us commandments we're trying to do a long time ago."

Meliodas went wide eyed. He remembered they hadn't defeated all of the commandments, only some. Could it be?

"Well, this has been fun BUT Ellie and I need to go speak to her father about this matter." Meliodas said quite nonchalantly.

"Meliodas.. What's going on?" Zeldris asked, crossing his arms.

"Well, I'm not certain but I think some commandments are back and are trying to get revenge for us killing the Demon King."


hi guys! i'm so bad at updating nsjduejdnb
anyways, i hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! i'll TRY to have another one out by tomorrow but idk we'll see!

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