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The maid had brought the group some snacks, such as freshly baked cookies, chips, etc. They told each other stories and tried to scare each other.

"Heyyy, we should grab some ale from the bar." Ban said.

"I don't know if my father would allow that." Elizabeth replied.

"Why nottt~ It's not like you're actually 16." He pointed out.

"Perhaps not, but the body of this incarnation isn't used to it."

"And you never will get used to it if you don't drink."

"Ban, that's enough. I don't want Elizabeth to get sick, anyway." Meliodas said.

"Besides, it'd be disrespectful to drink in my father's presence."

"Can I at least have some?"

"Why don't we wait until tomorrow?" Elizabeth giggled.

"Yeah, Ban. You're always drunk, anyway. Take a day off." Diane teased.

A knock on the door echoed throughout the room. Elizabeth stood up and walked over to it and opened it. Her maid stood there with a big smile.

"Oh! Hello!" Elizabeth smiled.

"My apologies, Lady Elizabeth. Your father wanted me to introduce someone to your friends."

"Oh, it's not a problem! Who is it?" She asked.

A young girl stepped into the doorway from behind the wall. She had brown hair that went a little bit past her shoulders. Her eyes were also brown. She had bangs that were swept to the side. She was wearing rustic-pink armor.

"Oh, hello!" Elizabeth greeted her.

"My name is Gracine," The girl said. (it's pronounced 'gray-seen') "It's such an honor to meet you, princess!" She bowed.

"The honor is all mine! Come say hi to everyone!" Elizabeth said, grabbing her hand and walking her inside her room.

"Guys, this is Gracine." Elizabeth announced.

"Hello, everyone! I can't believe I've finally met you all! I've heard so much amazing stories about you all while I was growing up!"

"Wait, how old are you?" Ban asked. Diane elbowed him in his stomach.

"It isn't nice to ask a lady how old she is!"

"Oh, it's okay, Diane. I'm fifteen!"

"F-fifteen?!" Diane exclaimed.

Gracine nodded. "And I'm the newest Holy Knight recruit!"

"Wait, I thought you had to be a certain age in order to be a Holy Knight." King said.

"King Bartra made an exception since I'm apparently super powerful."

"What kind of magic do you use?" Elizabeth asked.

"Well, I've been told it's kind of rare since no other human has ever been able to master it, but it's kinda like a goddess's magic."

"Oh, so like healing?"

"Well, not exactly. I have the ability to control light. For instance," Gracine turned to the lamp and held her hand out as if someone were going to grab it. The light emitting from the lamp began to bend and popped out of the lightbulb without damaging it. It was now a small orb of light.

"W-what? That isn't like a goddess's magic!" Elizabeth said, shocked.

"It's not? I'm sorry, my family used to tell me stories of goddesses using light magic and that's what inspired me to practice it."

"Oh, no, I'm sorry. I've never seen anything like that."

"Princess, you're a goddess, right?"


"M-may I see what kind of magic you use?"

"Of course! I'll show you tomorrow! I don't want to do it inside since there's a chance it could destroy my room."

"That's understandable. Well, goodnight, everyone!" Gracine said, walking out of the room and waving.

"Goodnight!" Everyone said simultaneously.

The rest of the night was spent with the group causing a ruckus with their laughter as Ban and Meliodas made fun of each other, Elizabeth had joined in on the teasing as well.

"Whatever, Ban! You're just jealous because you can't do that with Elaine! King would kill you!" Meliodas said, laughing.

"Who said we don't already do that?" Ban smirked. King immediately hit him on the head.

"You're both idiots." Elizabeth giggled.

"Who're you calling an idiot?" Ban asked.

"You and Meliodas, stupid!" (you can tell how much she's changed bro)

"Alright, alright. All jokes aside, El, we have something to discuss with you." Meliodas said.

"What is it?"

"Well, you've been my girlfriend all this time, and we've all been good friends for a long time as well. With your memories and powers restored, you're a lot more powerful. So, we want you to join the Seven Deadly Sins and make us into the Eight Deadly Sins."

"Mel- Of course! I'll join!"

"But, what's her sin?" Diane asked.

"Despair. The curse made me continue to die and reincarnate without any memories of my past lives, making me forget all about Meliodas. I put him through so much pain and heartbreak, and that's something I can never atone for." Elizabeth said. "I do remember seeing a raven on the day of my first death, 3000 years ago."

"Damn, so it's settled then." Ban said.

"The raven sin of despair. That's got a ring to it."

"Let's all go to bed now. We have a lot to do tomorrow." Elizabeth said. Everyone nodded and laid down on the mattresses Elizabeth got for them. Her and Meliodas got into Elizabeth's bed and fell asleep in each other's arms.

Not too long after everyone fell asleep, a symbol of a golden raven appeared on Elizabeth's hand, along with her goddess wings behind the raven.


school was absolute hell lmao i just woke up from a nap so i decided to finish this chapter, i'm sorry it took so long!

how are you all? i hope you're doing well!

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