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"The time we have left together?" Erina asked, tilting her head. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Erina, I have to go back to my people. You know this." Merit replied. Erina became saddened, and also angered. Ira saw her facial features change and quickly grabbed her shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier, Meri? You only got my hopes up. I thought for sure we could stay together this time without anyone separating us."

"Wait, did someone separate you two before?" Elizabeth asked. Erina nodded.

"When I was little, me and Merit were friends. But you already knew that. One day she told me to hide in a tree and she seemed freaked out so I did as she told me. Then I saw two men dragging her away and I never saw her again." Erina explained, a grim look on her face slowly appeared. She obviously wanted to forget everything that happened.

Everyone became silent for a few moments, trying to figure out what to say next or just waiting for someone else to change the subject. Meliodas did just that.

"Well, that's in the past now. Besides, all that matters now is that you're reunited! And it's not like you two will never see each other again." He said cheerfully, grabbing Elizabeth's hand. Elizabeth looked at him and smiled.

"That's- That's true." Erina smiled.

"Anyways! Why don't we all walk around town for a little bit before we go visit Zeldris?" Diane asked. Everyone seemed to agree.

The group walked into town together, happier than they all were a few minutes ago. The girls dragged the boys into shops, forcing them to look at clothes with them.

"Elizabeth," Diane said, causing everyone to look at her. "Gosh, I didn't realize you were all Elizabeth." She joked.

Elizabeth giggled. "What is it, Diane?"

"Well, you're a sin now, so you need your own sacred treasure. Why don't we ask Bartra if he could get another one?"

"Oh yeah! I forgot about that!" Meliodas exclaimed, smashing one of his hands into another.

"Oh, thank you, but I think I'll be okay without one!" Elizabeth insisted.

"Huh? But Elizabeth, some enemies are too strong for just your holy magic alone."

"Yes, I know. It's just, I'd rather take a more peaceful approach."


"Diane, that's enough." Meliodas said. "Well Elizabeth, if you change your mind, let me know."

"Of course!"

After a long hour of shopping, the group finally made their way to the Boar Hat. They walked up a steep hill to get there, everyone completely ignored Diane's complaining about her legs hurting. Besides King, of course.

"I wonder who else Bartra allowed to become Holy Knights." Gowther said.

"Beats me. We've only met a few." Meliodas replied.

"Father says he enrolled hundreds of new knights because most of them want to be able to protect their families. I don't blame them after everything that happened." Elizabeth explained, a small smile appeared on her face.

They opened the door to the bar, expecting to see Zeldris. Instead, a young man sat at one of the tables. He looked as if he was in his early 20's, and had silver, unruly hair. Much like Meliodas' and Elizabeth's.

"Oh, hello!" Elizabeth waved.

The man looked up at Meliodas and Elizabeth and nearly choked on his food, which surprised everyone. After he calmed down he seemed rather sweet.

"You're Meliodas, right? Which would mean you're Elizabeth?" He asked.

"Y-Yes but how did you know that?" Elizabeth replied.

"How would I not? Everyone's talking about you two nowadays."

"I guess that's true.."

"I'm surprised to have seen you here, of all people! So, when do we start training, Captain?"

"Captain? Oh, you're a new Holy Knight recruit, aren't you?" Meliodas asked.

"Yep! My name is Raiden.."

"Raiden? I really like that name!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

i haven't updated in a while i'm sorry!

i finally got around to adding an oc created by one of my followers! i'm sorry if i did that poorly.

anyways! i've finally moved, after two long days of driving across the country. i'm really happy here which means i'll have more motivation to write!

okay that's enough lmao i love you all!

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