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"Would you like to help us around the bar today, Raiden?" Diane asked with a smile.

"I would love to! If it's okay with Meliodas." He replied, looking over at Meliodas in the process.

"Sorry, but I don't really let strangers work in the tavern." Meliodas said.

Raiden simply sighed. "You always were like that." He said. This sparked confusion around the table. None of them had ever met Raiden before, so how would he know what Meliodas was always like?

"What do you mean by that?" Elizabeth asked, breaking the silence. Raiden began flailing his arms about at this question.

"Uh— Er, nothing! Nothing at all! I-I'm just so nervous around new people that I started blurting out words!" He exclaimed. To Elizabeth, it seemed like he was just tossing words around in sheer panic. Which told her that he was hiding something from them. But she stayed quiet, for the time being. Perhaps later she'd discuss it with Diane and Elaine. But for now, saying anything else seemed to be pointless.

Suspicious, Elizabeth stood up and clapped her hands together twice to get everyone's attention.

"Putting that aside, why don't we all prepare to open up? Raiden, you can help!" She announced.

"Elizabeth—" Meliodas was going to argue before being interrupted by her sweet voice.

"It's okay, Meliodas. After all, you will be working together as Holy Knights! This is a good way to learn more about each other before you begin training."

Meliodas sighed. She was right! How could he trust him in protecting the whole kingdom if he couldn't trust him with a little help around the bar? He stood up and smiled.

"You're right, Ellie." He said, linking his arm to hers. "Alright everyone, let's get busy!"

With that, everyone scattered. Elizabeth and Diane began wiping tables down, with the help of Elaine and King, who was forced to help clean by his little sister. Ban and Meliodas retreated into the back to wash dishes and prepare everything for the night. Raiden, Ira, Erina, and Merit watched everyone scatter to different areas in awe. They moved so quickly!

"Yo! Could someone go out and get some groceries?" Meliodas asked from behind the counter.

"I will!" Raiden replied. He quickly shuffled out of the tavern, leaving everyone staring at the door. Speechless.

"Okay so, who else is getting strange vibes from that guy?" Diane asked. A collective "me" was heard from around the room.

"Yeah, I feel like he's hiding something but I didn't want to be rude." Elizabeth said.

"Hey, does he even know what he's getting?" Elaine asked in a very concerned voice. Everyone looked at each other before Ban burst into laughter, causing everyone else to laugh.
After everyone calmed down, they continued cleaning and preparing for the customers, trusting that Raiden would get the things they truly needed. Things such as steak, pork, veggies, and obviously extra alcohol. For now, they'd continue cleaning.

The girls, and King, have moved onto mopping and sweeping and cleaning the windows. The sun was starting to set, which meant it was almost time to open. Raiden had finally made it back to the bar with brown bags in his arms full of groceries.
Fruits, vegetables, meat, and ale were the contents of the bags. Everyone seemed pleased to know Raiden got all the right stuff, but how did he know? How did he know what stuff to get? Perhaps it was just common sense. A tavern must have beer, and meat! Whatever the reason, everyone seemed to be comfortable with having him get the groceries. With that, Ban began to cook. He took the steak and threw it on the stove, quickly adding seasonings and basted it with Vanya Ale. The savory aroma quickly wafted through the tavern, making everyone's mouths water. They ignored it, however. It was for the customers, after all!

About an hour later, they finally finished cleaning, which meant they could open! Ban had finished cooking most of the food and kept it in the oven to keep it warm. The girls ran upstairs to change into their tavern uniforms, admired each other for a few minutes, then ran back downstairs.

✿ ✿ ✿

"Welcome to the Boar Hat!" The girls exclaimed in unison to multiple customers who walked through the door.

"Here's your menu!" Elizabeth said with a warm smile as she handed a man his menu. "If you'll follow me, I'll have you seated at a table!"

Basically, this went on for a long time. The girls welcomed people, gave them menus, walked them to their seats and took their orders, in which Ban had to cook and Meliodas served.

Ban had pressured Elizabeth into drinking a few cups of ale, causing her face to turn from a fair color to a shade of pink. Meliodas shook his head disapprovingly at his best friend.

"What's the matter, Cap'n?" Ban asked with a smirk.

"You have no idea how Elizabeth gets when she's drunk, so I'm just gonna let you watch so you'll feel guilty." Meliodas replied, sitting on the stool with his arms folded. Ban shrugged at his words, he didn't think much of them until Elizabeth stood on one of the tables and cheered.

"Hey, let's have a party!" She smiled, stumbling over her words— and her own two feet. She fell before a pair of strong arms caught her and carried her upstairs. Meliodas opened the door and put her on the bed and tucked her in.

"Ellie, get some sleep." He said, tracing his finger along her cheekbones.

"Finee~ but only if you cuddle!" She smiled and pulled him into bed with her and onto her chest. Meliodas didn't struggle, he simply smiled and relaxed before drifting off and falling asleep.

Perhaps, he'd do it another time.

i'm sorry i haven't updated in literally 2 months! if it helps any, i spent all day on this chapter and stressed my ass off over it lmao but i hope y'all enjoyed!

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