Chapter 1

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Xander's POV

I'm in the mountains. Lei's here, too. Please tell my family that I'm fine. I'm happy. And I'll be back someday.

I hope that's true. I finish writing and I sigh. I finally learned how to write, thanks to Lei of course. She managed to get some paper and writing sticks. I am here sitting at the table to the small home of mine. The villagers that fled to the Otherlands left a lot of empty homes behind, they got rid of their belongings and only took what mattered to them. Lei and I chose to have our own each. Since we just started and we want to take our time with us. I visit her and she visits me after each others work.

I wanted to stay working in the medical area so I took over Oker's old lab. It's old and yet so useful, just like him... Lei is working as well in the medical areas except with animals, she studies them and helps villagers pets' with sickness and vaccinations. We have just started so nothing new in either of our small jobs to keep us occupied here.
I stare down at the paper and feel my heart finally start to rise. My life in society was not bad at all, but now that I think of it if I would've stayed Lei wouldn't be mine. And cassia would never love me the way I always wanted because she loves Ky only. I am just her best friend, nothing more. Lei too lost someone she loved, except he is dead.. its not the same but close enough, right?

I stand and grab the paper, I step out of my small home white door and walk towards the mailing area. As I walk I see children playing as different animals. Again.. I watch and smile at them, they laugh and scream and run around. They are so happy here. The buildings here at Endstone are all so unique, each different from the other. Some are brick and some are wood. As I'm walking down the path I stop and turn to my right. Not too far from here I see Lei in a pen with sheep chasing them for a vaccine. I smile and watch as her long wavy black hair moves to all her twist and spins. As she is distracted with one sheep, another comes to her side at full speed and pushes her down.
  I run to the pen, it takes me atleast three minutes and as I get closer and see her frustration.

"Having trouble?" I asked her and lean on the fence, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to be in so I prefer to just lean and stare at her cuteness on the ground defeated on her knees. She looks up at me and smiles as she stares into my eyes.

"Did you perhaps see the whole thing?" She stands up and comes up to me. "I maybe did, which is why I'm here. To make sure you dont get swarmed by sheep." I start to laugh. She glares her eyes at me, "I can handle a bunch of sheep for your information." Lei places her right hand on my cheek and pulls me in for a quick kiss.

"I love you." She places her forehead on mine. "And I love you, you joker." She pulls away and sighs. She then notices the paper in my hand. "Who are you writing to? Now that you learned." She smiles and places her hands inside her pockets of her Veterinarian vest.
"Well I decided to write to Cassia, for her to let my family know I'm okay and that I'm happy here." I see the smile on her face change, even though cassia and I are nothing more than friends, Lei feels as if I may still love her. And i do, but it's a different kind of love, I love Lei like the love of my life, she has all of my heart. Cassia, I love her like a sister, my best friend, someone I'll always protect. Lei has not told me much about her husband anymore. She has not mentioned him anymore since our first kiss. She will cry each time I bring him up. I dont blame her, I don't know what I would do if I lost Cassia.

"I was heading there but I saw you and I felt like I needed to check on you." I grin at her. "I am actually done, except one sheep needs their vaccination, could I join you? It will be quick." I nod and she smiles and bends down to pick up the needle. "Oh I'll get you." She said mischievously I chuckle at her determination. Lei walks up to the sheep and grabs it finally, she pokes it fast in the butt and let's it go right away.
"See, not so bad after all now was it Mr. Alright. Olivia! I am finished with my shift, I'll see you on Monday!" She waves and Olivia, blonde green eyes mid thirties and wrinkles starting to form. She smiles at Lei and waves at her as she looks at her data pod. Lei places her best on a hook and jogs towards me. She grabs my elbow and holds me close.

"Where to next?" Her voice so gentle and loving. I smile so brightly, "Mailing center. And then after that we can go by the market, they added new stuff." I start to walk down the path back to the town center with Lei. "Would you like to see my first letter I wrote?" I ask hold the paper towards her. "Well if you don't mind, I love your handwriting. It is by far better than mine and I have written since a little girl." She grabs the paper and looks at it. She seems stuck on something. She then hands me the paper and gives me a slight smile. "That's one short letter, usually you write a whole page."

"Yes I know but since I have just arrived here what else do I say? I'll write another one when I have way more to say but I wouldn't want my family to worry over me being gone, they should know I'm here and I'm happy." I say as we arrive at the door of the center. I grab the door and we head in.

"Hello young ones, how may I help you?" A man in a big white beard and round glasses enthusiastically says. Lei and I smile, "I am here to send my first letter." I hand him the letter. He stares at the name at the bottom and the address. "Xander to Cassia and area of Rising camp of Camas, is that right?" He looks up. I nod in approval and he smiles, "No charge my boy, I'll send this right out tomorrow morning with our mailing bag and person." I am shocked, no charge? "Sir what do you mean no charge?" I stood there confused. Everything always comes with a price.

"Its your first letter, and plus not many people write letters, we get service for mail anyways so it's no problem, there is only charge when too many people send letters and there's not enough room and more service is required." The man explains, I nod, "Alright thank you sir." He nods and I grab Lei's hand and intertwine our fingers. We walk out and breathe in the pine and flower fresh scent of the mountains, the winter and plague is finally over, a new beautiful season is in.

"Xander, could we go to the river first? I am tired from work and I'd like to rest a little, plus we can eat at the market place food area. You love food." She smiles gently.

"Of course." We walk down the path to the river, hand in hand, wind blowing gently. Music from the market place playing froma distance. Its Friday and every other Friday they have music, food, shops and other fun stuff.

Lei sits on the grass and I lay on my side facing her. Picking the grass and watching her look at the fish passing by. "The red fish are almost here.." she says quiet enough for me to hear. She lifts up her knees to her chest and rests her chin on her knees. "Your letter, you mentioned you were happy. Despite what happened with Cassia you managed to find happiness with me here. I couldn't leave to the otherlands without you, I knew my heart wanted you, but I was not sure how to accept it.." Lei's eyes stay focused on the water.

"Cassia could not love me the way I wished, I helped her find her way to Ky even if it tore me I knew I had to let her choose. Even if it wouldn't be me." I say and she turns to me. "Thank you for saving me... I held on thinking of you.." Her eyes start to water.

"Can you tell me what you went through when you were still?" She nods
"Well, I was walking by the water and saw him across, on the other side. He saw me and waved. I shouted to him and tears slipped his eyes as he showed me a boot filled with notches of all the days spent without me. It hurt me so badly. He then threw it in the water and told me that our chapter was over in my book and we never were meant to be because he wouldn't have been destined to die. He walked slowly into the water and I was numb, I didn't love him the same as before, it was longing. More of a love that he was the last thing I had that connected me to my past.." Lei wipes her tears quickly.

"Then I fell to my knees and I turned and saw you, my new beginning. You held your hand to me and I grabbed and you wiped all my tears away. You then told me to stay with you, not leave you behind... That was when I started to wake up and I saw you first thing. My heart filled with love the way it never has before.. He had blue eyes too, but not like yours.. I fell in love with you since day one and I am finally truly starting to feel happiness." She turns to me and I see her eyes filled with pain but love. I sit up and wipe her tears away and kiss her forehead. I pull her in close and hold her tight. She lost everyone.. her family and first love. I had experienced nothing compared to Lei.

"I am sorry I have not yet told you everything but I'm slowly going through this process. I'm just glad I have you." She smiles and holds me tighter.. Now I just want to stay here and not head to the market. Just Lei and me in our tiny world..

Okay I hardly ever do A/N  but this is a new story compared to my winx club stuff. Tell me what do you think? And this will have all four POV. Ky, Cassia, Xander, and Lei. First chapter down! What would you like to see?

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