Chapter 4

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We arrive to Cassia's, she opens the door and I see Bram and her mother sitting on the couch. She smiles as she sees us. Her mother comes up to me and hugs me. "I'm glad you're safe from another trip." She says and I smile. I am glad she liked me, despite being the one who motivated her daughter to rebel.
"Thank you, this is our friend Indie." I move aside and let indie come up to greet Cassia's mother. Indie smiles and holds out her hand, "Pleased to meet you. Mrs?" Indie says, "Reyes, Molly Reyes." She smiles at Indie, "I love your red hair, that is very rare." Cassia's mother compliments her. Indie smiles. I missed her smile, it almost hurt.

"Mom, they are staying with us tonight." Cassia says, her voice is so down. She won't stop thinking of his safety. I grab her hand and hold it tight. She isn't alone, I worry too. Lei finally got love and so did Xander. They may lose that. For Vick I'll help protect Laney, I will do it as a last wish.

After we finish explaining to her mom about the new enemy. She is shocked, "So you guys are leaving tomorrow to the village? But how long will you take? And Xander, poor boy..." she sorrowfully said. Cassia nods at the last part. "We aren't sure how long we will take. We dont know anything except that tomorrow morning we will be going to the Village. Hopefully we will see Xander and Lei." Cassia tells her mother, she nods. "Okay well, you three split two rooms to eachother, Bram and I will share mine." Her mother stands and walks away.

"Ky and I will sleep in mine and Indie you can have my brother's, since his is a single bed." Cassia says, Indie nods and walks off to Bram's bedroom. I am here alone with Cassia in the living room.

"Looks like a brand new adventure is beginning now." I grab both of her hands and lift her face up, I look into her green beautiful eyes. Oh how I missed seeing them. She let's out a breathe. And holds my cheek. My heart lifts at her touch.
"They will be fine I promise Cassia, if they are in danger we can save them. We will go tomorrow."

She nods and kisses me. "Come on we should rest, we don't know when the rising officers will be here to escort us." She stands and pulls me with her to her room. "Its been long since we were together like this." She says and pulls me in close and lays her head on my shoulder. I stare up at the ceiling and thinking about the time at the carving. It was cold but holding her made it warm..

"I missed being able to hold you like this.. Maybe ome day we can make it every night." I say and she looks up to me, "Marriage. I would like that." She says and squeezes me a little tighter.
"One day we will be able to Cassia. Right now we got a mission." I kiss her forehead. She lifts the blanket up higher and I feel us drift into a good night sleep. One I definitely will need.

Short but sweet.

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