Chapter 3

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Cassia POV

"Bram eat your food, after you are done with your home work." I tell my little brother. I am so happy he is returning back fo school now. He saw too much death, even our own father. That is something that no kid should ever witness.. Ky has been helping him cope with what he saw, they go and walk by the outskirts of Camas and walk in trails. I am happy he does that for Bram, he needs someone that has had similar experiences to talk with..

Ever since Xander stayed in the mountains we returned to camas. Ky is needed as a pilot, he helps people travel from place to place. Takes cargo to different provinces. I am used for sorting people at the moment, the Rising is trying to figure out who is still alive and where they go. I also sort work positions. But right at the moment is has only been sorting people. I have not seen Patrick or Aida yet but I know they are alive. They too could be immune. I was not immune because of my father.

We got a home in one of the remodeled neighborhoods. Now people can paint on them and add stuff to them, if they want flowers, trees, or even rocks. Now they can.. Ky lives in a apartment. Once you are 17 you can choose where you want to live and I wanted to stay with my parents. I can visit Ky whenever I can and he can with me too. Our home here is almost exactly the same as in Oria, we just added paintings and poems on the walls. My mother put a portrait of the lily that saved her life.

"Cassia, we got some mail!" My mom said as she entered our home. I get up from our table where bram is and I head to where she is. "From who?" I ask, she smiles brightly and hugs me. "Xander. Seems to me what your Ky sent worked." She knows that Ky had a tube of Vick and sent it to Laney. I could never imagine losing Ky, I'm glad she found love with Xander. Ky and I saw them kiss back at Endstone. He finally is getting the love I could not give him.

"I assume it did. The new methods of mail are better than trading. Let's hope it stays that way." I say and grab the folded paper, I sit on our brown couch and fold it open.

I'm in the mountains. Lei's here, too. Please tell my family that I'm fine. I'm happy. And I'll be back someday.

I feel tears build up, he is happy.. She taught him how to write and his writing is beautiful.. I really hope he comes back to see me and Ky. His family misses him too. I know they will love Laney, she is different. My mom sees and leaves to the kitchen with Bram. I get up and go to my room. I place the paper in my little box, where water nor fire can get in.

"Mom I have to go to the rising camp where Ky is going to be arriving soon." I kiss her cheek and walk out of our home. It has been a week since I have seen him. Even here we are still separated as much as I wish we weren't... his trips usually make him gone for a couple weeks, sometimes just a day. I head to a train stop and get in. My stop is only three stops away. It's one of the new ones of course, the rising is squeezing in and society sympathizers left, the Rising let them leave. Many stayed though, hopefully they enjoy their new lives.

I finally arrive at the stop and rush off. The camp is filled with people, some pilots, runners, and people saying goodbye or here to greet someone who has returned. I walk to the area where people who are waiting for their person to arrive back. I sit at a table and wait. I am feeling excitement as I'll finally get to see my Ky once again. Live, handsome and wild.

Finally six airships are coming closer and closer, they are on top of us and one by one the reach the ground and line up next to each other. I get up and see many air ship doors open. My heart starts to race, the air ship in the middle, two people step out, Selena and Marco. They are both with Ky, a couple seconds later i see him step out. A big smile on his face once he sees me, he runs towards me and I walk fast. Once we are close enough we slow down and pull eachother in. His arms squeeze me and I do the same, I missed him so much.

"I missed you." He says, I feel a tear slip out, "I missed you too, you didn't write this time so I thought the worse." I then pull away but still holding him. I stare into his beautiful ocean eyes. He smiles, "This time I was very busy, I barely had time to sleep." He says. I put my hands on the sides of his head and feel his soft cheeks. He then presses his lips against mine, sharing a deep and passionate kiss. After a couple seconds we pull away.

"I have a whole week before my next assignment, I will get to be with you this whole time." He says and we pull apart. I feel a rush of excitement hit me. It's been so long since he got a week off. I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers. I feel past scars on the palms of his hands, no longer red but scarred.

Out of curiosity I turn over behind me to see others greet their loved ones. But then and there I see someone I never thought I would ever see, her red golden braided hair stands out, she doesn't see me or Ky, her focus is straight ahead of her. She is alive? Indie, my friend is still walking? How?! Ky then notices where I was staring and is shocked, frozen. He let's go of my hand, "Indie!" He calls out. I feel a shock of jealousy hit me. She turns and looks at him, she smiles and runs to him, as fast as lightning. It only takes a couple second to reach him. Ky opens his arms to her and holds her, she then pulls away and grabs his cheeks in shock, "I am alive Ky, and I returned for you." She says and then notices me standing next to him.

"Hey Indie I am very happy to see you alive once again." I smile, she hugs me quickly too.
"How did you survive? I was sure you were gone." Ky says. "A tribe found me and cured me, I was going to stay but I knew I was needed here more. But I need to go see the pilot, it is why I am here, I have to warn him. The villages are in danger. The enemy is back and is stronger, I saw what they can do." She says panicking. "I need to tell him before something bad happens."

"Xander, and Lei!" I say and start to panic. I can not lose Xander. He is finally happy and found love. "Lei?" She asks, I shake my head. "I'll explain another time, we will go with you to the pilot, we know where his office is." I then start to fast walk with her and Ky to the Pilot's office, he is in charge of protecting and military of our new society.
  Two rising officers stand in the way, they recognize Ky and I and let us through. There he was the Pilot, sitting in his chair with papers all over his big desk. It was dark and not as bright as a normal office.

He looks up and is shocked as he sees Indie, alive and bright. He stands, "I thought you were dead?" He says. She smiles and shakes her head. "I got very far and a tribe cured me, they said it was not the first one they ever saw. But i am not here for that. I am here because I needed to warn you and everyone else." She says panicked. He nods and gestures for us to sit in front of his desk. Indie sits in the middle to look at the pilot better.

"Go on.." His voice strong and gentle. "As I was in the tribes, I was given hospitality, food and a tent for myself. I became very close to their chief, he trusted me with everything. During one of their meetings I joined in, there were three men who were dressed in red, they came and told the chief that they needed their recourses for their weapons. The Chief asked for what and they said they are planning to over take villages by here and take people for slaves and their own use." She said. The pilot's face turns into a shocked one.

"What are slaves?" I ask. "Slaves are people who are usually forced to do labor or anything their master pleases. Usually if you dont obey they torture you." The Pilot answers my question. Xander is in great danger!
"Anything else? Did they say when?" The Pilot asks her, she shakes her head. "The men left and the chief told me I had to return to warn you, the tribe was under the control of wherever those men were from. The chief wanted you guys to have a fair fight and prepare for such war. I don't know when or where they will start. I just know you have to act fast." Indie stands. "We will plan tonight and take action tomorrow. In order to not put more people in danger we must be careful." The pilot stands too.

"Please return to your homes, I will be needing you guys first thing tomorrow. It is best you three stick together for the night just to make things fast just in case I need you three sooner." He gestures to the door for us to leave. I am shocked, this can not be happening. I hope nothing will happen to them.

On the train we are silent, I am processing what Indie told us. Who knows if they are being attacked right now..


Indie is alive! Will Xander and Lei be safe?  Stay tuned

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