chapter 13

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Lei's POV

Mathew and I have started spending more quality time together. Tonight they're hosting a dinner and he wants me there, the thought of it makes me nervous. What if I get stuck here? What if Xander can never find me? Those thought keep circling in my mind, he found a cure for a plague, he can find me too. Being away from him makes me heart ache deeper as each day goes by. I glance at the bed, a blue dress lays on it. They have beautiful clothing, used for the wrong things. Blue like his eyes...


The pilot waits for us after he lands his ship. I hold Cassia's hand as we pace our way to him. Xander seems to not be able to calm himself down, but then I think to myself, neither would I if I were in his place. Cassia looks strong and determined as we arrive to the ship. "Get in quickly, we may be late for the dinner if we don't hurry." The Pilot gestures for us to enter the ship, we dont say anything, we just head in and place our small backpacks on the ground and start buckling up.

"How will we get the rest of the villagers?" Cassia asks knowing the Pilot can hear her from the cockpit. "We will start with this man, he is an old acquaintance I had. He should know more and probably can get data on where the villagers were positioned." He answers her question. Seems easy yet difficult. Xander sighs. When we were looking for the cure he was helping, now he sits and waits. That will probably kill him before he sees her.

Vick I want to say; she is not alone, I'll make sure she is safe for you and him. I am sorry if i have failed you as a friend before. Sadly he wont ever hear those words and part of me wishes it was me who died that day. But then Cassia would have suffered more...

As we arrive I get my clothing ready that the pilot had in store for me. Cassia lifts it up and sees how its black, like the match banquet suits. "I will finally get to see you in one, as though you can be matched to me." She smiles at me, wishing she could have had a matched ceremony of us two together. I gently smile back and she hands me the suit.

"Ready?" The pilot seems nervous, I know he is a risk taker but he doesnt feel very strong about this risk, I can sense it. I nod and we both walk out of the ship leaving the others behind waiting for further notice. As we walk out I notice a large white building with bushes trimmed and grass as green as can ever be, I am shocked people can live in such a large home. "Come on boy, they're waiting on us." He breaks my concentration. I just follow him to the entrance where teo men in suits await for us.

As we walk in I notice how large it is, the marble, the decoration, the mirrors, pictures, everything looks completely different from the provinces. It is unique, something that the next door neighbor won't have. We arrive to the area where a large man was drinking and had three other men with him, laughing about whatever they were talking about, hair well groomed and slicked back. States completely motionless when they move.

"My dear old friend!" The large man approaches the Pilot and hugs him. "Its nice to see you again, sadly I wish I could come with better circumstances." The pilot gets to the point. "We can discuss it all over dinner. Let's enjoy some time, I can help you with anything. Who is this young fellow?" The large man turns to me, "Ky." I smile, playing a role I never was meant to be in real life. "Pleasure to meet you, I am Gregor" he places his hand out for me to shake.

"Ah there is my son!" Gregor turns to a different set of doors that I did not come from. A dark haired man with a suit as well cane out but he held the hand of a lady in a blue elegant dress. It takes me a moment to realize it but as i focus i know it is Lei. She sees me and I see surprise and relief in her eyes, though she breaks our stare. "Mathew, this is my old friend who refers himself as the pilot and his companion, Ky." Mathew comes in to give us a handshake, his blue eyes and face structure gives me a sense of familiarity. Could he be who I believe?

"Come let's go to have dinner then we can have drinks and talk." Gregor gestures for all of us to the dining room. I give Lei a nod, she smiles gently and focuses back on Mathew trying to not blow my cover.

We finish eating. The maids take the plates and everyone stands to head into a room with couches and what seems to be a place to hold liquor. I stay close to the Pilot, I can not seem to be able to relax here. Even though the Pilot is very loose and relaxed, which makes me feel more accountable to keep an eye out. A maid poured drinks into long think cups and handed them to Gregor.

"So tell me what is it that you need information about?" Gregor asks the Pilot as he starts to hand each of us a cup. "One of our main villages has been attacked, the people who came took hostages and made them come here to serve them purpose. I need to know where each of those villagers are." The pilot now sounds serious, less relaxed.

"I could get data on that but it would not be ready until tomorrow. It will be hard for you to retrieve them back, slavery here is still allowed to some extent." He finished handing out the drinks and hands the tray to one of the waitresses. "To health." He lifts his cup and smiles. Everyone else mimics and repeat what he says as we take in a sip.

"My head." I hear Lei say as she holds her head with one hand. She turns to look at me and in a quick moment she falls to the ground. I rush as fast as I can to help her. She was poisoned, "She was making my son weak!" Gregor exclaims over us trying to help her. Mathew looks desperate and worried, "Father this is illegal!" Matthew shouts at Gregor. Gregor shrugs, "it will be easy to hide her body, no one even knows she exists anymore." He sips his drink. I place one arm on her back and the other under her knees. I have to get her away from here and onto the ship.

"Is there an antidote?" The pilot asks Mathew, he nods in response. "Guards, my father has committed treason! Lock him away and get authorities on their way." Mathew demands, "I just called them." Maid responds. He nods and runs past everyone and pushes through some doors.

"Bring her to my room." Mathew orders, "While I find the antidote." I look over to the pilot, "bring the others, Xander needs to be here now." I tell him and he rushes off. I follow Mathew he points to a room and rushes away once again.

I lay her down on the bed trying to be careful with her. "Xa- der" she can barely speak, the poison is settling in quickly. "He is coming dont worry."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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