Chapter 6

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Lei's POV

I didn't see him... What if they killed him right when they saw him? Or he ran off. I'm hoping he escaped, then he can get the Rising to save us. Olivia is holding her husband so tight, she is having panic attacks, I wish I could give her a green pill... I am younger and I have seen much more death than she has, I guess I know how to deal with it.. Luckily he managed to calm her down.

"You're Spanish?" She says. Holding her husband. I nod, "Yes, I was planning on telling Xander it when I saw him after work. But I didn't see him.." I feel so scared, I dont know if he is okay or dead.. When Vick passed away I felt it, And I feel the burning flame of Xander in my heart, he must be alive. "If he survived he will get help, I know of it. If he stayed then no one would save us." She grabs my hand. I smile at her and nod. I know she is right..

"I guess only time will tell, meanwhile I am a sex slave.." I say, my heart broken, I lift my head up trying to get rid of my tears, I wish Xander were here to hold me, and tell me he loves me, and letting him know I too love him..
"Let's hope you get sold to someone who won't harm you very much.." her husband says. He is dark skin, and has curly hair, I smirk at him, "you're right, let's hope." I say.

Two ships are filled with us villagers, on the floor on the ships. People crying and some cursing out the Rising for allowing such thing happen. Sometimes it's best to hold before you out more people in danger. Olivia notices my tiredness, "Sweetie lay your head on my lap and sleep while we arrive." She says gently, I nod and lay down, my knees crutched up and my head on her lap. She plays with my hair and I fall asleep.

"Wake up. We are here.." I hear her say. I sit up quickly and we are all being forced out fast. We were all split into the categories they told us back at the village. Olivia looks at me with tears in her eyes as she sees me get shoved with four other girls who are also destined to be sex slaves. Olivia and her husband go to farming. I loom at the girls in my group and they look so young. I am probably the second oldest.

"You all are already assigned to a job, a soldier will tell your group where to go and your assignments for your job." A soldier with black clothes but a red cap says with a data pad in his left had. Other officers with red caps go to a group. One comes up to us and looks at us with a ugly stare. He is light, blonde, grey eyes and tall.

"You girls are sex slaves. Tomorrow you will be auctioned off, once you get a master you must obey every command no matter what, you are now property of the Revolt. You will be used mainly for sexual reasons but they still can force you to do anything. If you disobey you will be punished with electric sticks. They will stun you and it will hurt. The more you disobey the worse the shock will feel, they can also whip you." He says and glances from his own data pod. From what I see he is new.

"Now follow me, we must get you ready for tomorrow." He says and soldiers stand next to us and cuff our hands. We then head into a city. But it's different, it's big and full of different colored buildings. Brick, wooden, and many more I have never seen. This place is nothing compared to where I am from.

Roads are dark and people all wear many different style of clothing. Everyone is so different here, they look at us and laugh. The man then leads us to a basic building with a lot of windows. We head in and a very big woman with a puffy dress comes out to greet the soldier. "Oh I see new slaves!" She says with excitement. The woman with bright blue eyelids and red lips approaches the soldier. "Muah! Muah!" She kisses one cheek once. He does the same with her.

"Ah yes, they need something for tomorrow's auction. And I also have a special surprise." He says to her and she giggles exaggeratedly. "She is Spanish blood, so we will be needing a lot of priceless jewel on hers." He exclaims. She stand wide eyed at me. She approaches me and pulls down my left sleeve. And once she sees mother mark she jumps. "Oh my! What a find! Okay come back later sir, I'll be done with them by mid tonight." She waves her hand for him to leave.

"Spanish?" One of the girls whisper to the other. Another woman shopping at this dress store looks at me, she is thin and her blonde hair is up on a fancy bun, tight clothing. And only red lips. "You Spanish? If you would've came here before that stupid little society you would've lived a life filled with anything you desired. Too bad." She grabs me by my jawline. I stand so helpless. I don't want to be shocked by the stick. So I have to endure all the insults.

The big lady returns and brings two racks filled with clothing. "You three, choose the most provocative thing you see. And you," she points at me, "come, looks like I'll have to custom design yours. Your value must go up even higher!" She says with excitement. Then she pulls out a doll that's my size, it had a beautiful golden and white outfit.

"Wow that's beautiful. You are very talented." I say and she smiles even brighter. "Now let's undress you and see how it looks." She said and removes my cuffs and places me behind a brown board. She move the doll towards me and starts to put it on me.

"There." She says and pushes me to a big mirror. I look at it and see my whole body the way I never have before. I am shocked. It shows so much but on me it makes my toned muscles pop out more. I'm an object. This stuff matters... Men will want me for reasons I never ever want to be seen as..

"You have a beautiful body so this is perfect for you." She pinches my cheeks. I stay quiet. The three girls come up to me and are also stunned by what they see.
"Wow you really look nice in it Lei." The smaller brunette said, she looks fourteen. I smile small, I feel very uncomfortable but it looks so nice on me at the same time.

"We finished a lot quicker than thought! So we can all have tea and biscuits since I'm closing in a couple minutes. Lei go undress yourself and place it back on my mannequin please." She says and I nod. I do as she says since right now I'm her property. The other girls bring what they chose and hang it next to the mannequin. We then head in a line and wait for her. "Okay thank you for waiting, let's go downstairs." The woman says. She moves quickly down a flight of stairs. Its dark and lit by candles. A small round table is in the middle, a couch against the wall and a fire pit next to the table. She has a pot in the flames.

"Please sit here." She says and we do. She then places five white cups and small plates on the table. She fills our cups with tea and sits across from me. "Do you all know eachother? " she asks and places a big plates of many different pastries and cookies. We all shake our heads .

"Great so we can get to know eachother tonight. I'll start." She grabs a round cookie and dips it in her cup. "I'm Marlene, I make clothing and am the best at it, also single." Marlene looks over at the youngest looking girl next to her, brunette and brown eyes,. Even short. "I am Janet, I am fourteen.. My dad was killed this morning.." she said quietly. Marlene gave her a sad expression. "I'm very sorry darling, that must have been awful.." Marlene says, despite being her she seems very nice.

"I am Kiran. I am 18. Single and I lived alone with my best friend in endstone and she is fine thankfully." Kiran has hazel eyes and dirty blonde hair. Tall and very strong personality. She once brought her cat for their vaccinations.

"I am Nae Lei. I am not single.. He isn't here either.. I wouldn't want him to see me get auctioned off for awful reasons.. I'm twenty one as well." I say and look up at Marlene, "Where is your lover boy?" She asks placing her elbows on the table. I can't say the truth of they might find him and kill him. Or think he could rescue me.
"He was sent on a mission for our society to help people recover with a plague we got." I lie and the girls from endstone know it, they have seen me with Xander. But they know we also have to be careful with what we say.

"I am Jaylen. I'm twenty three and I also have a lover. Though he is here for the factory section. There really isnt much about me to say." Jaylen says. She has brown hair and brown eyes too. Tall and very big eyes.

"I'm glad to meet you girls and I hope you know I'm against the slavery. But I must obey this society or else i have no place to live." Marlene eats, I grab a piece of bread and start to eat..

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