Chapter 12

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Cassia POV

"We think we know exactly we are dealing with, except we need a link from within their trusted people to do a silent kill." The pilot says over the hologram, Indie, Xander, Ky and me are sitting in our tent speaking to the Pilot and Anna.
"How can we get the link?" Indie asks. "Well, your best chance was when Lei was set for auction. You could have used the gold we sent in bulk." Anna speaks.

"We have gold in our ship?!" Ky asks loudly. Anna nods. "If I would've known we could have bought her." Ky saying that made me and Xander feel weird. As if she is just an object we can purchase. "Yes but she may be put back into auction someday.. Or find another slave, sex ones are your best option since they are always being put back into the market." The Pilot says, Anna gives him a questioning look. How does he know so much about sex slaves?

"If we can find the source or the people who kidnapped Lei and everyone else from Endstone, we can save many lives." I step in. "Getting Lei is a good step towards that, she has most likely seen everyone involved already." Ky says as he holds my hand to reassure me. "I have an idea, it may not work though." The pilot starts to warn us so we dont get our hopes up. "I know a man who is very rich who lives in the city, I am more than sure he knows some information on these auctions or people involved in such illegal activity. Ky and I can go and have some conversation, while the others wait for us in the plane or here whichever you guys choose." He finishes.

"I have to go to!" Xander bursts which startles me. "I ran away when she needed me most,  and all I have been doing is sitting and watching while you and Ky do all the work." Ky holds Xander's arm before he gets more out of control than he already is.

I understand him, when Ky and I were separated again by the Rising I was growing desperate and wanted to see Ky. If anything would have happened to Ky I too would lash out for being put on the sidelines and forced to wait. His beautiful sky blue eyes seem dark, he helps people and now he is helpless. "Xander you show too much emotion, if we were to see her you wouldn't hold back. Ky doesnt know her out of all of you and has no attachment to her. If anything happens he will act with rationality. You and the other could wait in my plane. We go in tomorrow." The pilot tries to stay calm at Xander.

"You're right, we will keep an ear open for any updates on Lei, she is our best hope. We will see you tomorrow." Ky says to the Pilot and Anna. They both nod in approval and the hologram disappears. "Since she is Spanish blood won't it be rare if she is put back on the market? He spent twenty million on her." Indie places her knees close to her chest and deep in thought she leans on Xanders side. He does not mind it one bit. I know she fell in love with him when she stole my card, never stopped.

"Do you think she will let her self be touched in such way?" Ky asks Xander. "You see, I am not sure if she would or wouldn't, she could fear being punished but at the same time she could try to defend herself." Xander shakes his head just thinking about such thing. "I researched more about the sex slave trades, it's normal for owners to murder them." Xanders voice seems to crack up but he stops himself. "I'll go for a walk." He stands and leaves our tent.

I look at Ky, his eyes tells me he loves me over and over again. We never fail when we are together. He kisses me quickly. "Xander needs to be calmer about this." Indie lays over to her side and looks at us with mischievous eyes. "You're a lone wolf as you said. Being separated from the one you love will deteriorate you from the inside." Ky spat back. Indie shrugs

I get up and go outside to see Xander. In the dark night he stands out. Leaning against a wooden fence. He hears me coming up behind him and turns his heads, the moment he sees me he smiles gently and turns back to what he was looking at. The beautiful mountainous view almost leaves me speechless. "We will find her." I tell him. He sighs.

"Yes, we must." He is serious. "I always thought my future would be with you then everything changed, society fell, you went to find Ky and Lei was left there with me. She knew she wasn't immune to the mutation yet she stayed there to help, she comforted me. We both vented on eachother for our first lovers." Xander looks at me. I feel guilt, I let him down... "Xander I-" he interrupts me, "Don't feel sorry Cassia. If it weren't for the fall of society I wouldn't have been able to choose the way you did. Lei and I chose eachother and it was the most beautiful choice. She and I made new memories, have gone on small adventures and even taught eachother new things. All that is the outcome of my first heartbreak, and the happiness and love I have with Lanney outweighs the heartbreak," his words make me feel a little better. He chose her without even knowing at first.

I am surprised he used her full name, Ky told me the story of Vick and Lanney, even Xander knows it. But she doesnt know what happened to Vick, all she knows is that he is gone for certain. "Come sleep, tomorrow we will find a new clue and find her. Tonight you rest, for her." I place my hand on his shoulder. He nods and we head back to our tent.

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