Chapter 8

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I am laying next to Cassia. If Xander would have kissed her I know I would have punched him the way I did to Vick.

I then hear two voices I know too well, Xander and Indie. They're outside arguing. I stand quickly and go out and I see them a little far away but i know them too well to know its them. I sneak behind tents and get close enough to hear perfectly well.

"You are wrong, you are just so obsessed with the past." Xander argues quietly back. "If she really cared for you why did sh not tell you about her Spanish past or even how she stole Vick so easily from me." I hear Indies strong stubborn voice.

"Stop it now Indie, there is no proof for what you say. Plus, she doesn't know everything about me either, and I was going to tell her some day but not yet. I love her and she has loved me the way I always wished for. I will not let your accusations let me change my mind about her." I stand up now and approach them both.

"What is happening here?" I ask them. "This dumbass won't understand the truth. You knew Vick, did he ever mention me?" Indie asks, I am surprised by what she means. Vick and Indie?
"Nope, only Laney. Why are you obsessed over Vick, he is dead. I thought you loved Xander." I say that on purpose. Whatever game she is playing I don't like it. Indie looks at me, anger filling her body. "No!" She yells and walks off to her tent.

Xander sighs and sits down on the grass facing the river. "I assume she told you about fish?" I sit next to Xander. "Yes she did, Ky I don't know what I would do if I lose her. I never loved someone the way I do for her.." He looks at me, worry in his blue eyes.
"I get how you feel, I wouldn't bare losing Cassia either. You just got to have faith in our group. Tomorrow the Rising will tell us what to do. Indie already spoke to them, we will talk to them and continue planning. We will save everyone once again." I place my hand on his shoulder, he nods and looks at me with hope now.

"I am going to sleep now, goodnight Xander." I get up and walk back to my tent with Cassia. I step in and she looks sound asleep. My heart aches for her and her love somehow. I slide into the small bed and wrap my arms over to her stomach. She squeezes my arms and presses her back against my chest. I hope to marry her very soon and I'll get to be with her every moment for the rest of my life.

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