Ziall - Bounce

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The sound of springs creaking has always been comforting to niall. As has the smell of floor cleaner. Weird comforts he knows but it kind of comes with being a trampolinist. Niall spends half his life in the gym halls bouncing on a trampoline, perfecting different varieties of seat drops, jumps and flips and he loves it. He’s exceptionally good at it as well actually, good enough to compete which is why h was spending his Saturday in he gym halls. Because he had a competition the next day and needed to get his straddle looking better. 

Unfortunately, as good as Nialls straddle was there was no way he was going to be able to make it any better because it was bloody hard to do in tracksuit bottoms, normally he’d have been wearing these tight like things but he really couldn’t be arsed with them. He was beginning to regret that decision  He sighed and climbed down of the trampoline with ease, sliding his trackies off so he was left in just his boxers before rolling back onto the trampoline bed. He took a deep breath before starting his routine again, jumping high and keeping his toes pointed.

Unbeknownst to him though he wasn’t alone. Zayn Malik the school ‘bad boy’ had been dying to see Niall on a trampoline for ages because it wasn’t even real how fit that boys body was. Hence why he’d followed Niall to the gym (creepy he knows) and was watching the boy on the trampoline. It had been hot when Niall was wearing tracksuits because not only was he fit but dear god did his arse look fuck-able while he did those straddles. Zayn was very tempted to just go over to niall and fuck him there and then but he managed to reign in his temptation, for a while anyway.

You see there was one part of his routine that niall wasn’t too comfortable with, he had to do a front drop which was all well and good but he was having some problems with it at the moment. So in order to get the front drop perfect he’d got his coach to give him a few exercises. His favourite, and in his opinion the most infective involved him getting on his hands and knees, bouncing a couple of times before lying flat and bouncing back to his hands and knees. It was very effective for getting him more comfortable to dropping on his stomach and very effective for getting zayn all turned on too. Seeing the boy in his boxers, bouncing on his hands and knees was just too much for him and before he really knew what he was doing he’d stepped out of his hiding place.

'You know, you're really fit' he said clearing his throat slightly. Niall jumped out of his skin, promptly going from his hands and knees to standing. 

'W-wha? How?' Niall stuttered feeling incredibly self conscious in just his boxers in front of zayn fucking malik. 'Why are you here?' he asked when hed calmed down enough to put a sentence together, looking at zayn in shock. Zayn just smirked and walked up to the trampoline eyes not leaving nialls body as he did say.

'You're fit.' He said simply watching the way nialls cheeks flushed and his arms crossed over his rather defined chest. He was silent, waiting for niall to respond. 

'Urm t-thanks' Niall mumbled looking down willing zayn to disappear. 'But why are you even here?' He asked climbing off the trampoline to get his track pants as it became obvious that Zayn wasn't leaving but before he could even get his pants zayn had caught his wrist and stopped him from  going anywhere.

'You look nice without the pants.' He said his voice turning low and husky because he wanted niall now and he was going to get him, he was set upon it. Niall gulped as zayn used his grip on the blondes wrists to push him up against the side of the trampoline, his eyes widening in surprise.

'T-thanks.' He managed to stutter out as Zayn pressed up against him, impossible close now. He gulped slightly wanting more than anything for hole in the ground to just open up and swallow him down.

'It's fine.' Zayn smirked his hands moving from around Nialls wrists to the curve of Niall's back, fingers rubbing over his bare skin causing niall to shiver slightly at the touch. He brought Niall even closer to his chest, so close he could've counted the boys eyelashes and smirked once more. 'I want you' he whispered seductively against the blondes pale skin causing Niall's eyes to widen him further Niall couldn't find the words to respond and well zayn took his silence as an opportunity to make a move. He slammed his lips against Niall's, kissing him roughly ignoring the startled whine Niall let out. He continued to kiss mercilessly  grinning slightly when Niall began to kiss back and tugging on the blondes lips, which instantly opened allowing his tongue to slide in. They kissed like this for what felt like an age, and then things got a little more heated. Zayns hands slid from the curve of nialls back to his bum, squeezing lightly causing the blonde to let out a moan of surprise his hips bucking forward instinctively which made zayn repeat his actions. Niall moaned, his obvious bulge rubbing to zayns as his hips once more bucked forwards. Zayn pulled off of nialls lips slightly. 'Do you want me?' He asked squeezing harder, rolling his hips forward.

'Yeah.' Niall had panted almost immediately 'Please' he practically begged causing Zayn to harden furthur. 

'Turn around' he demanded spinning niall so his hips were pressed to the edge of the trampoline. He bent niall over slightly and,after pulling his boxers down lifted one of his legs to rest on the side of the trampoline so niall stood on one leg, completely exposed. Zayn couldn't help the moan that escaped his lips because not only was niall so fucking hot he was flexible and well that had always been a turn on for Zayn. Niall whimpered slightly in his position but didn't move which caused Zayn to smirk at the power he had over the blonde. 'Do you want me to fuck you horan? Fuck you so hard you cant even walk yet alone bounce on that fucking trampoline?' He hissed against nialls ear. Niall nodded eagerly.

'Fuck yes' He moaned. 'please fuck me so hard.' He begged. Zayn bit back a laugh and pulled his pants down just enough to get his dick out because if they got caught he was not getting caught completely naked. He bent down slightly so he was level with Niall's entrance, licking at it a couple of times admiring the way the muscle fluttered under his tongue before adding a finger moaning at how fucking tight Niall was. He pumped his finger in and out marvelling in the moans that feel from Niall's lips, the sinful whispers for more. He added another finger as requested and then another, wriggling them around until Niall was almost screaming for more.

'Do you want me Niall?' Zayn asked teasingly, pulling his fingers out slowly licking the now stretched muscle. Niall nodded, hands gripping the padding that surrounded the edge of the trampoline. 

'Please.' He panted as zayn rubbed his thumb over his entrance. Zayn smirked a little. 

'Should i fuck you against the trampoline till your pretty little ass throbs or should i make you ride me on the trampoline? Bouncing like the whore you are.' He asked throatily. Niall moaned out.

'Let me ride you.' He begged surprising zayn slightly. The black haired boy nodded slightly despite his shock.

'Ok' He agreed lifting Niall up by his hips and shoving him onto the trampoline bed, before climbing up himself. It was springier than he'd imagined and he had no idea if this was actually going to work but whatever. Niall pushed zayn so he was laying down, straddling his waist with ease and pushing himself down on zayns dick with even less effort. A moan escaping his lips at zayns sheer size, stretching him wide and filling him up.

'Fuck.' He panted leaning forward, his hands pressed to zayns torso as he bounced his hips, both their bodies rising of the trampoline together. Zayn was glad he still wore jeans and his shirt or he would undoubtedly get a friction burn of the trampoline bed. 

'God you're tight Niall.' He moaned as the blonde clenched around him, his warm heat squeezing tight around his member. 'Fuck.' He panted as Niall bounced up and down, thighs wide spread apart giving zayn a view of his dick going in. 

'Zayn.' Niall panted already so close 'Not gonna last.' He moaned out. 'Fuck.' He cried out and he had to say he was surprised no one had heard the pair of them and come to investigate because it was safe to say Niall was loud. Zayn leant up, gripping Niall's hips and holding them still as best he could, thrusting upwards into his tightness. 

'Fuck.' He moaned out as Niall clawed at his back through his shirt. 'Im close too.' He breathed out, hips snapping upwards as he pushed Niall over the edge. The blonde came hard over zayns chest and now zayn regretted not taking his shirt off because it was covered in cum, but he didn't dwell on it too much as his orgasm soon ripped through him. He rode out his climax before pulling out of Niall sensitive entrance watching as his cum dribbled out the stretched muscle listening to the satisfied whimper that feel from Niall's lips as he rolled off the trampoline, pulling his pants back up and stripping his dirty shirt off. 'I would get cleaned up if i were you.' He warned Niall from where he lay sprawled out naked on the trampoline still. Niall nodded.

'Ouch.' He hissed as he climbed down rubbing his arse as he pulled his boxers and track pants back on, throwing a spare shirt at zayn before glaring at the lad slightly. 'If i cant compete tomorrow you're dead meat Malik' he huffed. Zayn laughed and rolled his eyes leaning forward and pecking Niall's cheek, handing him a slip of paper with his number on.

'If you win call me, celebratory sex is the best.' He said simply before turning on his heel and leaving the gym. Niall's mouth fell open and he shook his head slightly barely able to believe he'd just done that.


                     steptowardsthelight damn boybands                 Wrote this ... :) 

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