Chapter 4: Annihilation

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So... Byakuran will be OP! Hahahahahahahaha! Because the world will be tilting to his whims. Btw, the person in the photo is hot! Guess where is he from.

Fury narrowed his eyes at the recently discovered psychotic enhanced kid's statement. It sounded impossible, yet achievable if one could harness the almost limitless energy the tesseract could offer.

But that was theoretically impossible, or so Fury hoped, as even SHIELD has not found a way to do as such, despite the multiple attempts at doing so.

Though, looking at the way the kid has just strolled through a battlefield with nothing but a medieval cloak and a fox(?) mask, for whatever reason that the sane could not comprehend, and sending aliens flying here and there without breaking a sweat, had Fury speculating that the boy's power was nowhere near it's limit, most likely just scratching the surface.

Aside from giving him a massive headache, the thought of an unaffiliated enhanced that powerful had made him wary.

Not to mention the kids just said that he would 'destroy a world' so casually as if the millions of the world's population's deaths did not enter his eyes. That one statement the psychotic kid had casually uttered had just placed this 'Byakuran' as one of the most dangerous enhanced on the earth, if not the most dangerous enhanced.

Fury was quite hopeful though, if they could pull such a powerful enhance on their side, the battles they world face in the future would not have this much civilian casualties.

Let's just hope that the enhanced will not be the one creating casualties...

After getting his thoughts straight he turned his attention to the still-in-a-daze 'Sho-chan' beside him.

"Agent... Are his words true?" The director cautiously probed.

Part of Fury hopes it's not, but knowing his luck, the answer would be the other way round of what he had hoped for, just because the world loves to give one Nicholas Joseph "Nick" Fury a pounding headache.

Actually, the world might as well be happily counting how much headache it could bring Fury in his lifetime.

Receiving no response from the agent his words were directed at, he turned to see the said agent still happily in his own world and cut off from the rest, obviously running from the reality in front of him.

So the words Nicholas has uttered to the daydreaming agent has clearly went in from one ear and out the other as the man his words were directed to was too lost in his own thoughts.

When the jumpy man calmed down enough to reign in his emotions, he glared at the source of Byakuran's voice with an indignant what-have-I-done-to-deserve-this look on his face and then back to Fury with a pleading can-I-go(flee)-now look, all the while trying to find an escape route, eyes darting from the vents to the door and then back to the other agents in the room.

Yup, definitely trying to find a way to escape the tense room... again. It was easy to see so. Not that he was bragging.

He was as easy to read as an opened book, too easy, which made Fury both thankful yet annoyed.

Thankful for he did not need to probe too much to get his answer for the agent's reaction is all he needs to confirm his speculations, annoyed because that is below the standard of facial expression control an agent should have.

Damn it, who is the one who trained this guy! He'd better run because Fury is going to spit flames all over him the moment this crap is over.

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