What Goes Around Comes Back Around

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After leaving Marinette's place, he immediately called Nino to see if he was free for a bit of time late that afternoon. The line rang a few times before he heard his buddy pick up on the other line.

"Hey, dude! What's up? I don't think I've heard from you since right after my honeymoon," Nino laughed.

"Sorry, man. I've been really busy lately. I need to talk to you about some things. Do you have a few minutes?"

"Yeah, dude. I haven't had a customer in almost forty-five minutes or so," Nino sighed.

Customer? He suddenly realized he'd forgotten that Nino and Alya opened a music store a few weeks ago. They had named it, The Red Bug and Black Cat's Harmony, in memory of their old Parisian heroes.

"Omgosh! I totally forgot all about the store opening!" He exclaimed. "I'm so sorry."

"Dude, it's okay, we both know you haven't had much time on your hands! Marinette told us you've been working yourself ragged for the last two months."

"Yeah, it's been crazy. I think this is the first day I've actually had some time off," Adrien winced. "I wanted to tell you that I broke up with Chloé."

"Really? What made you decide to do that?" Nino asked.

"Well, I would prefer not to get into it over the phone. Want to meet up in about two hours at the Black Cat?"

"Yeah, man, I can do that. I have to go, dude. A customer just walked in. Oh, and good luck with Chloé," he said supportively.

"What makes you think I haven't done it yet?"

"I know you, Adrien. I know you haven't done it yet and that you called me to put it off a little longer," Nino laughed. "You'll do fine, okay? I'll see you in a few hours, dude."

Hearing the line go silent, Adrien put his phone in his pocket. He was about four blocks away from their apartment. There was dread in every step he took towards it. What was she going to say when he told her he was done? What would she do? Every time he'd come back home after he caught her with someone; she'd beg for his forgiveness and he'd give it to her. Not this time, this time it was going to be different. He'd never caught her in bed with someone. Before it, this had always been text messages, emails or kisses. Why had he forgiven her? Was it just so he wouldn't be alone?

Mindlessly, he walked into the apartment complex and got into the lift. Pressing the button for the seventh floor, he felt his heart drop. He couldn't believe he was going through with it. The bell sounded as the lift reached his floor. Walking up to the door, he put his key in the door and turned the knob.

Once he opened the door and walked in, a realization came over him. This wasn't his home anymore. It was a place of broken promises and dreams. He knew now he could break up with her for good this time.

Almost immediately after she saw him walk in, she ran to him and threw her arms around him. "I'm so sorry, Adri-kins!! It'll never ever happen again! I promise!" She wailed.

He was stiff under her touch. Not being able to deal with her around him, he gently pushed her away. "Chloé, I think we need to talk."

"What do you mean? Nothing happened with Kim and me! We were just hanging out last night!" There were fresh tears coming into her eyes. "I only have eyes for you, babe."

"That's the problem, Chloé," he rasped. "You don't only have eyes for me. You haven't for a very long time. When was the first time you cheated on me? Six months into our relationship?"

Turning away from him, she retorted. "I've never cheated on you! I honestly have no idea what you are talking about."

"Oh, my bad. When was the first time you 'hung out' with another guy behind my back?"

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