A Blast From The Past

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Bright rays of sunlight gradually began to shine through the front window of the bakery. Sabine smiled at the sight. The sun hadn't shown itself for almost two weeks now. The warm beams made her heart fill with joy. As her mind drifted back to her earlier task, she began to hum to herself softly, replacing the morning's popular sellers with fresh ones.

She had been left alone to replenish the goods; since Tom had gone upstairs a few minutes earlier than usual for their afternoon break. Hopefully, he would have lunch done by the time she was finished.

The macaroons were just about done being stocked when she heard the side door open and close behind her. Thinking it was Adrien, she called over her shoulder.

"If you're hungry, there's plenty of leftover croissants from this morning, sweetheart! Take as many as you like."

When there was no answer to her offer, she turned around to see Gabriel Agreste standing about ten feet away from her. He looked very uncomfortable and out of place. His gaze was shifting everywhere, which didn't surprise her much. The last time he had come into the store was a few months before Emilie had disappeared; which had to be over seventeen years ago now.


"Bonjour, Sab."

The glossiness of his eyes told her that he was somewhere else at that moment. An old memory probably flaring up and dragging him into its fiery depths. He had to be in a great deal of trouble if he was showing himself outside of the company walls. Maybe there was a lead on where Emilie disappeared to all those years ago or perhaps he came to scold her like a child for taking his son in.

"Is there something I can help you with?" She asked cautiously, trying not to intrude on the past or instigate a fight.

"Not really sure," he shrugged casually. "But I came by because I wanted to ask you something about Marinette."


"Do you think she'd ever want to take over the business from me?" He asked, nonchalantly.

Sabine felt like she had been hit with a brick wall. Did he just say what she thought he said?

"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you correctly. Did you just ask me if Marinette would want to take over Gabriel?" She asked.

"Yes, that's precisely what I said."

"So you're thinking about stepping down then?" She felt herself gasp.

Silence quickly filled the room as if her question was never asked. Sabine folded her arms, leaned against the back counter and waited for his reply. She knew he would tell her what exactly was going on if she just waited for a bit.

His eyes were still shifting around the room until they settled on a particular picture in the corner. He walked passed her and over to it. Sabine watched as his fingers began to trace the indentations of the woodwork on the frame.

"Yes, I've actually wanted to step down for a while now," he whispered, quietly. "I think it's time to let someone who actually has a love and eye for fashion to be in charge."

"You don't love it anymore?" She questioned, walking out from behind the counter to stand beside him.

"Honestly, I haven't really loved it since Em left," he sighed, letting his fingers fall from the frame. "I think I just loved the way the clothes made her feel. She loved that I could draw something so beautiful on paper and then make it into a concrete version."

"That's a really long time, Gabe," Sabine commented. "Why did you stay so long if you didn't love it anymore? You know that's not something Emilie would have wanted."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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