Lucid Dreams

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A soft knock at her bedroom door jolted her awake. How could it have been an hour already? Perhaps the thoughts of Adrien and Chat Noir that were playing cat and mouse in her head kept her awake longer than she thought. Why was she making this so hard on herself? Chaton would have definitely moved on by now, right? Meanwhile, Adrien was literally standing just a few steps away. They wouldn't jump into anything too fast if they tried anything, right? Did he even want her after all this time?

He knocked again, making her realize that the ratatouille must be done. So much for getting rid of that pretend headache.

"Come in," she called.

Marinette turned on the bedside lamp, pulling her blanket aside as she sat up. His face slowly appeared as he opened the door.

"How's your head?" He whispered.

"Better," she winced.

Lying to him made her stomach hurt. She had never once told him a lie. It stung to even know that she had so willingly to get away from the situation.

"Do you mind if I come in?" His voice quivered, echoing through her bedroom.

"Didn't I say to 'come in', silly?" She smirked.

At her words, he pushed his way into her bedroom. His half-smile dropped from his lips as he walked into the room. He instinctively knew something wasn't right.

"Is something wrong, Mari?"

Her face fell as she shook her head. She grabbed her pillow, burying her face into it as she felt the tears coming into her eyes.

"Nope, I can't say there is," she grumbled.

His footsteps were soundless as he took a few steps forward. She felt him sit down on the bed next to her. Her face lifted from the pillow to look at him but looked back down immediately. She instantly saw that the wetness from her eyes left behind circles from her mascara. Royal blue marked the pillowcase's white blank canvas. She cursed softly as she glanced over the destruction she had caused her pillow.

"You don't have to tell me what's bothering you," he muttered. "I just wish you would tell me something I can do to help you."

"I don't even know how to help myself," she admitted. "I'm overthinking everything and stressing myself out."

"What are you overthinking, Marinette?"

His bright green eyes searched her face. After a moment, the word she wanted to hold back, rolled smoothly off her tongue without skipping a beat.


"Me?" He echoed back.

"Yeah, you." She ducked her head in embarrassment.

"Why are you overthinking me, Mari?"

"Because I love you, but I love someone else, too," she confessed. "There I finally said it and I probably sound like an idiot."

"You don't sound like an idiot," he insisted.

"I do, though. There's no way I can love two people at once," she paused. "Is there?"

"Yes, I would say so," he grimaced. "I've loved two people for years. I deeply regret not making a move on either of them, but then again, I've always felt as though I wasn't good enough."

Her heart dropped as the words left his mouth. Not good enough? How could he even feel that way about himself? She grabbed his hand, trying to pull him closer to her. When she realized he wasn't going to move, a tiny whimper escaped her.

Until Next Time, My LadyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora