No Other Way

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Juleka (12:57 pm): Hey love. You need to talk to Adrien like ASAP.

Marinette (12:58 pm): What happened? Is he okay? Did he drink anything?

Juleka (12:59 pm): To be honest, idk. I just know he's far from being okay and that he really needs to talk to you. He had a few shots with me, but I'm sure he hasn't eaten this morning...

Marinette (13:01 pm): I'll warm something up for him when he gets here if I remember. Has he told you why he's acting this way?

Juleka (13:02 pm): Nope ¯\_()_/¯ I wish I could tell you why. But if I were you, I'd get the things together for that drink I told you about this morning. He's going to need it.

Marinette (13:04 pm): Okay, I have everything here but the scotch.

Juleka (13:05 pm): I have a feeling he will have that covered by the time he gets to your parent's.

Marinette (13:06 pm): Alright. Is he still there? Do I need to come to get him?

Juleka (13:43 pm): Sorry, I got a small rush right after I texted you. Adrien left about 25 minutes ago.

Marinette (13:45 pm): Okay. He's not here yet. I'll give him a call.

Juleka (13:46 pm): Good. He needs you more than ever right now... But you didn't hear any of this from me! =^_^=

Marinette clenched her phone before setting it down onto the cushion next to her. What was wrong now? Was the regret from last night finally weighing in, making him question what they had? Whatever the case, she needed to go find him now.

Marinette stood, and picked up her phone. Unlocking it immediately, she pressed gently on Adrien's contact. Five rings sounded off before she heard a click.

"Bonjour. Thank you for calling Adrien Agreste. I am unable to answer my phone right now. When you hear the beep, you know what to do."

"Adrien, it's me. Juleka messaged me-." She paused for a moment, collecting her shaky voice before she continued. "I love you, mon minou. Please call me back."

She pressed the end icon and let out a small sigh. He had to be making the long trek across the city. Adrien never drove after he had more than one, so at least she knew he was safe wherever he was. A small breeze suddenly shook the windows in her parents' living room. She could tell the storm from earlier that morning was probably just about to start up again.

With that, Marinette decided that she would start to walk towards the Black Cat. Worst came to worst, they would meet in the middle. She quickly walked over to the door and shimmied on her jacket and boots. Her hand just barely touched the doorknob when it turned.

Marionette jumped back as the door flung open. A very soaked Adrien stood in its' wake. Drops of rainwater fell steadily to the ground from the bottom of his jacket, leaving a puddle below him.

His head was hung as if in defeat. She carefully reached her hand up toward his face. His eyes just barely caught the movement and he looked up to her. Her hand fell back to her side. Pools of green shimmered back with a deep pain back into hers. The sight made her heart fall into her stomach.

"Adrien," she whispered. "What happened?"

"I wish I could tell you, my lady," he mumbled. "I feel like I'm my own worse enemy right now."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She pressed. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"There's nothing you can really do for me," he shrugged. "I'm just worrying too much, and stressing myself out."

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