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Her lips went into a thin line as she stared at her half-completed Chat Noir outfit. Black ripped jeans, black combat boots, and a black long-sleeved v-neck shirt were the only contributing factors she could manage at the moment. The look she was going for was there, but she still couldn't figure out the jacket.

She let out a quiet groan and grabbed the tiny remote beside her. As she pressed play, her small sound system came to life. The windows in her upstairs office started to rattle from the guitar's bass notes. She quickly turned it down and closed her eyes. The words to the first song on the playlist struck her in a way they never had before; sending a jolt of pain through her heart.

"...There's gotta be a better way for me to say, what's on my heart without leaving scars, so can you hear me when I call your name?..."

"I wish you could hear me call your name, Chaton," she whispered. "It would've made some things so much easier on me."

She slowly opened her desk drawer and took out the small box she'd retrieve from her room the day before. Opening it, she revealed a beautiful charm bracelet that Chaton had given her for her 18th birthday. She'd never worn it in fear of losing it.

Placing the box down on her desk, she carefully took the bracelet out to look at it. He'd put a little green paw print and a jeweled ladybug on the chain. The memory made her smile:

They'd been patrolling and fighting akumas for almost three hours before Hawkmoth must've decided to turn in for the night. She landed on a building overlooking the Louvre. At night, the museum lights shone through the glass rooftop, creating a breathtaking scene. Chat collapsed on his back next to her, exhausted from their nights' adventures.

"We need to defeat him soon, my lady," he gasped. "I don't know how much more this cat can take."

She rolled her eyes at him and flicked his bell. "You'll be fine," she yawned. "But if I'm not careful, I might just end up taking a catnap here with you tonight."

"I'd never say no to being your pillow, bugaboo," he winked.

She stuck her tongue out at him. "You would like that, wouldn't you?"

"More than you'd know," he smiled.

Chaton reached into his pocket and pulled out a beautifully wrapped box. He gently pressed it into her hand.

"Happy Birthday, Bugaboo."

She couldn't move. How had he remembered her birthday? Did she let it slip out to him?

"You mentioned your birthday was coming up on an interview with the Ladyblog last month," he chuckled nervously. "I just didn't know when it was exactly... So surprise!"

Silently, she opened the gift. The lights from the Louvre made the bracelet shine in the darkness. Happy tears sprung into her eyes. How could she be mad at him for remembering something so minor about her personal life? It's not like he could figure out her identity from a birthday month. She nearly jumped on top of him to hug him.

"Thank you, kitty! It's so beautiful!" She exclaimed.

"I hoped you'd like it," he whispered. "It took me forever to pick something out. That's why it took me so long to give it to you."

She laid her head on his chest and started to count his heartbeats. His heart was still beating so fast. This was one of the few sounds in the world that let her know she was safe. It made her feel as though Chat would always be there to protect her. His breathing was still ragged from their trek across the city, but it was starting to return to normal as she closed her eyes and relaxed into his chest. She felt him kiss the top of her head as she dozed off in his arms.

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