Wine After Whiskey

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He was about five minutes out from Marinette's place when his ringtone sounded off. As soon as he answered it on his Bluetooth headset, instant regret pooled in his stomach.

"Adrien, you better have a good explanation for walking out on Chloé. She called me crying; saying that you accused her of cheating on you again. And what's this I hear about you canceling your lease?"

His father's voice sounded pretty irritated. Hopefully, he would understand why he actually had to end their relationship this time.

"Is walking in on her and Kim having sex a good enough reason?" He snarled.

Gabriel went quiet for a minute.

"Wait. You saw her in bed with another man?"

"I guess she decided to leave out that little tidbit, huh?" He huffed.

He was furious. Chloé called his father every time they fought. He would side with her on every single argument and constantly agreed that Adrien was the one overreacting.

"Why yes, she did actually." His father mumbled. Silence filled the line for a brief moment before he continued. "Very well then. I guess there was no reason for this call. I'll do my best to keep her at bay for a while with the media. She's going to try to pin this breakup on you."

Hold on. What was happening? Was his father actually trying to protect him and not his company? What changed all of a sudden for Gabriel Agreste to care about his own son first? Something wasn't right. He needed to test the waters to figure out what his father's real motives were.

"I don't really care if she does at this point, father," Adrien groaned. "So what if she tells the press I broke up with her? She's been seen scurrying around Paris this month with every guy but me."

"She will project horrible publicity onto the company," Gabriel paused for a moment. "And you as well."

"I don't see how it has anything to do with the company. It just has to do with me and you know it. Just let her do as she wishes. She's made my life a living hell for the last five years. What are another six months going to do?"

"Another six months will lower our sales. You know she's going to make this personal, and the public will feed on it because she got her heart broken by Adrien Agreste."

His father's voice was firm and cool. It made him sick. Of course, his father still cared about the company name more than his own son. Why would that change after all these years?

"Again, not about your company. It's about me. She can come after me with everything she's got. I don't care anymore. I'm standing up to her this time. I'm not going to back down," Adrien hissed.

"Adrien, let's be logical about this. No one will want to be with you after she drags your name through the mud." Gabriel tried reasoning with him.

"I really don't care. What don't you get? The fact that she cheated on me again; or the fact that I could care less what she says or does from this point out?" Adrien growled.

"I understand you're upset, but you have to think about the company," Gabriel insisted.

"I've thought about the company for the last five years. I've forgiven her and stayed with her. Last night was the last straw," he muttered.

"I need you to act like a man about this and not a child. You are acting immature about the whole situation," Gabriel remarked.

"If you want me to act like a child, I will. Here's an ultimatum for you. If you don't leave me alone about Chloé, I'll no longer model for you," Adrien threatened.

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