A Flashback in Time

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Dear Kitty,

Today is finally the day I see you without your mask. I can only imagine what you're feeling because I'm extremely nervous for you to see me without mine. I wonder what you look like now. Did you get any taller or keep your hair long? You'll see when you see me, but I didn't get any taller. Although, I did decide to let my hair grow a little longer the last couple of years.

Juleka has offered to cut it for me, but I keep putting it off. I've been telling her I don't have the time. However, the reason I've been avoiding it is so she doesn't try to set me up with Luka again. He's really sweet and all, but he's not who I see myself with. I don't want to lead him on...

I got out of work a few hours early and I'm headed over to my parents. Adrien started to move his things in today around one, I believe. He asked for my help in unpacking and rearranging. I told him I'd have to cut it short since I already had plans tonight. Surprisingly, he didn't seem to mind. I'm just hoping some of the things he had expedited arrived.

I don't know what he kept from the old apartment other than his mother's piano. Ivan and Mylene brought it over this morning. Mylene probably woke up the whole neighborhood by honking that awful horn on the truck over and over again. We were talking out in the greenhouse and forgot about the time. We were warned by Ivan to say the least. Hopefully, I don't come home to my bike being vandalized.

While Adrien and Ivan finished moving the piano into the den; Mylene asked how he was doing with the whole breakup with Chloé. I honestly didn't know what to tell her, because I'm really not sure how he's doing with that. I think he has just started to block it from his mind altogether. You know how people kind of put a wall up in their mind so they don't feel pain? He needs to feel it or he's going to break down like I did four years ago. I wish I knew how to tell him that though. I mean, he knows I broke down, he just doesn't know the extent of as to why. I wish I knew how to help him. I feel like he put up such a high wall with his previous heartbreak that it'll be easier for him to do the same with this one.

I saw a small velvet box sticking out of his backpack this morning. I'm praying there wasn't an engagement ring in there... What if that's why he went home early from work that day? It breaks my heart to realize that's what it could've been. I know he loves Chloé, but why did he put himself through the heartbreak? Did he think a ring was really going to help with her cheating? Not saying that it was a ring or is a ring, but is he that naive to think something like that would fix everything?

Sorry for the rambling, so many thoughts are going through my head at the moment. Maybe I should talk to Alya about it later... It might be good to talk to someone that sees his life from a different perspective than I do with him. I just want to protect him, and I don't see how can I possibly do that when he jumps head first into things. He's like a kitten sitting on a ledge. He sees a red dot on the wall two feet in front of him; jumps to catch it and then falls to his doom. A horrible metaphor, but you get the picture.

I'm almost to my stop, so I'll be wrapping this one up. I told Adrien I would take the Metro more since he HATES my moped so much. I understand why he hates it, but I don't want a car. It's more cost effective to have my bike. Plus it's easier to zip in and out of the horrible Parisian traffic with.

I really can't wait to see you tonight. I've missed you more than I could've imagined. I hope that after tonight, we'll be able to be in each other's lives again. That may be some wistful thinking on my part since I pushed you away that night. However, a girl can dream, right?



She closed her journal and placed it back into it's hiding place as the bus pulled in front of the bakery. "Thank you, sir!" Marinette called with a quick nod of thanks to the driver as she got off and quickly slipped into the bakery.

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