You Can't Be Him

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'Try not to think it's a mistake.' Those words had been playing on repeat in his head for nearly three hours now. What had Sabine meant? How could he ever think this meeting with Ladybug was a mistake? Either way, in about twenty minutes, he would know who she was, mistake or not. The shot glass of whiskey on the bar stared back up at him as he looked down. He winced slightly, then took the shot. The cool liquid burning on the way down his throat.

"Hit me again, Jules." He gulped, pushing the glass towards her.

"You don't need another one, Adrien." She laughed as she turned around, carefully tucking her green-dyed bangs behind her ear.

"But-." Juleka cut him off.

"No buts. I know why you are here tonight and alcohol is never the right answer." She pointed out gently, taking the glass away.

Adrien rolled his eyes at her. "So you know I'm here to meet someone that I haven't seen in seven years?" He muttered.

"You could say that." She shrugged, folding her arms and leaning against the bar in front of him. "I just know that the only reason you want the Jameson is to calm down your nerves. But I'm the bartender tonight, my love, and what I say goes."

"I have about 20 minutes left before she gets here. One more wouldn't hurt me and you know it." He tried reasoning with her, tapping his fingers on the bar.

Juleka gently put her hand on his, stopping their further movement. She had to have known this meeting was seconds away from giving him an anxiety attack. His heart was pounding so hard that he felt like he was going to be sick.

"Please, Jules," he begged. "Just one more."

"Adrien, why are you so nervous?" She asked.

"Because I haven't heard from her in seven years, Jules," he sighed. "I honestly don't know if she'll even show up."

"I'm sure she will. If your love for her has lasted this long, why would it be any different for her?"

"Rose told you I'm still hopelessly in love with her, huh?"

"You could say that," she smiled. "But you could also say I see it plastered on your face."

"I don't know how I could love her this long without seeing her, Juleka. In a way, I would be relieved if she didn't show up tonight," he whispered. "Then maybe I could actually move on from her. I have this feeling she moved on from me a long time ago. What if I have to relive losing her all over again?"

"Whatever makes you think you lost her in the first place?" She asked, gently.

Her gaze shifted across the bar. He decided to follow it, instead of answering her question. She was looking directly at Rose, who was now in the middle of the bar, taking an order. A small smile touched her lips before she looked back to him.

"I believe that the universe has this crazy way of bringing people together that are just meant to be, Adrien," she explained. "Now, go over to your booth and wait for her before I kick you out."

He sighed, pulling out his wallet to pay for the shot.

"You're not paying for that shot, Agreste. It's on the house tonight."

"Jules, I'd feel awful if you didn't let me pay for it!" He insisted.

"Then repay me back by going over to your booth and sitting there like I asked," she winked. "I didn't let Rose talk me into saving it for you for no reason.

"Alright, but if she doesn't show up, I get to pay for the shot."

Adrien extended his arm out for a shake.

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