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"There is so much to tell, my whole life is and have been full of adventures both good and bad, risky and life spared. I just had the luck on my side, every time I look back at my past, I become more grateful for where I am today. What about yours?"

He asked, leaving me in an enthralled state on the rooftop of the building, and couldn't come up with a proper answer to give him and stay all muted. How is my life literally? It isn't the slightest intriguing in comparison to his. I know what kind of hell he's been through, I know partly about his childhood, the time in Panama jail inclusive the failed escape, the reunion with his brother after 15 years interval, the long journey to Madagascar and Scotland in search of the long-lost Avery's belonging, even the small appearance with the two ladies in India to discover and find the famous artifact namely the tusk of Ganesh and so much more, only throughout the games I've been playing, but isn't that a part of a thrilling journey? What do I have to tell? I don't want to reply to that particular question and decide to change the subject, completely.

"Is it why you got the other tattoo "Lucky" on your left upper arm?" I chance to ask, careless if it was improper or not.

He chuckles luckily, playing with the end of the cigarette that was hanging from the corner of his mouth just before he answers.

"Are you aware of that too? That's insane."

I smile at him when he turns his head towards me, and he received it by smiling back. "Whoever you are and wherever you come from, it has been one of the weirdest opportunity of getting to know you."

He emphasized in a way as if it was an imaginative fairytale story that is coming to an end. Like Alice in Wonderland, me as her landing in a random place like where I am now, crossing the surrealistic creatures which happen to be him and the rest, except for that I know about them but they don't have a clue about me, yeah, who the hell am I? I shall start to question myself or more accurately my psyche, doubting on myself ever since I stumbled upon these people.

 My smile fades when a wave of insecurity wash over me, making me go uneasy. Maybe this is a deep, hypnosis that needs a magic spell or word to wake me up to where I actually belong, in hometown, in my bed, sighing in relief that it was just a fancy illusion and not that I have gone mad. It is freaking weird indeed. I honestly do not longer know what to think, say or believe anymore...

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