✿~Let me out, bitch!~✿

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Sam jeer astounded. "You're kidding, right?"

I became overwhelmed, to be honest. For once, these guys overrated me. But, what the hell has the treasure to do with me?

Sully squinted his eyes. They emerged with the creased lines on his outer eye area, caressing his mustache, looking at me as if I was the shining artifact they were craving for per se.

"This is ridiculous", Sam continued and moved Nate aside."Listen, little brother. This journey is about me, you, and Sully. If you bring her, the whole expedition will be ruined. Is that what you want, huh? I mean, we have come this far."

I saw Sam doing hand gestures in the air. His body language implied that he wasn't pleased.

"You guys wanted this, right? And now, we got it", Nate added.

Sam irritably itched the nape of his neck where the cute curls ended. He wasn't satisfied with the idea.

"Listen, she could be a big help to us. Besides, she hasn't got a choice but to obey our orders. If we let her go, not only she, but we will be screwed too if we get caught for looting artifacts, now, is that what you want?"

Nate threw his journal on the table among the rest of the items and reunited with me and Sully, saying.

"Tomorrow morning, outside the hotel entrance before 7:am. Are we good?"

I shook my head. Their eyes landed on me.

"YOU are gonna meet outside. I, on the other hand, is going to wake up from this awkward nightmare, in the hotel's bed, having a HUGE cup of coffee, and explore LA just like an ordinary tourist does. I won't be expecting to see any of you when I open my eyes tomorrow."

It became dead silence. My eyes shifted between them. Not a single reaction.

"You know, when I'm thinking about it now, silence speaks louder than words..." I corrected myself, understanding the eventual concept of participating in their journey.

Nate started to collect and pack the equipment and stuff that was on the table in a sports bag, Sully helped him too.

No, what the heck!? I won't follow them to Southwest Asia! Why do they have to bring me into this all mess?! Not my concern at all, I want my vacay.

"I'm not coming with you guys!" I raised my voice to ensure they all heard me. "I told you once, I ain't gonna repeat again! There's no way I follow you to Southwest Asia! I don't wanna dig, dumb ass artifacts in hopes to live like a brat, having steak and chantarelle sauce served on a silver platter..."

"Pipe down before we tie you to the chair again!" Sam burst out, frustrated as he picked another cigarette out of the pack.

These guys seem to be unfamiliar with polite conversation. I was losing my temper, the pulse in my head was now throbbing. Instinctually, I walk towards Sam.

"You shut up, you selfish prick!"

And BAM! I gave him a bitch slap.

For a second, silence laid over us all. I was in shock for having slapped him. Speaking of Sam, his eyes widened as if the orbs were popping out of their sockets and the cigarette hanging loosely between his lips. Patiently, he took it out, throwing it somewhere on the floor.

"Alright", I heard him say quite low, but it was the calm before the storm. "It's enough!" 

He pinned my wrist, firmly and pushed me into the bedroom, locking the door behind me. I tried to get out by pulling the door handle.

"Let me out, bitch!" I yelled, knocking the door with my palms, repeatedly. "I'm gonna get the cops on you, all of you! Just wait and see!"

Sam's POV;

"What?! She hit me", he excused himself, lighting a new cigarette.

"Sam, let her out", Nate sighed.

"No way! I have zero tolerance for her."

"Sam, we need her on this journey, okay, stop acting like a 5-year-old baby."

"Nate is right. It isn't the right time to make enemies, we have to collaborate", Sully pushed in.

Sam inhaled the smoke deeply in one go, puffing a huge smoke. "Fine", he said, pressing the half-consumed cigarette in an ash cup and threw himself on the couch, closing his eyes, caressing his red cheek carefully, where it got slapped. "Bitch", he imitated me.


"Come on", Nate gestured me out from the bedroom. I felt like a kid who had been punished for acting dumb. It was tense between us. Sam didn't even look at me, instead, he moved away to the corner where a tiny refrigerator and some small cabinets and benches were placed. It was one suite room, kitchen and livingroom assembled.

Sully and Nate had a seat across me.

"Listen, I know everything started poorly and confusing for us all, and I'm sorry about that. We cannot trust each other, yet, that's totally understandable. But, we need to have someone on the road who can be our guideline to where we're heading", Nate explained.

"So in other words, you just want me to your own advantage?"

Nate and Sully threw a hasty look at each other.

"Well, metaphorically speaking, a pirate couldn't sail without his compass, and that's the position we're now. We do appreciate if you accept this mission, that would be a big help."

"Guys, I've never been on a dangerous adventure before. What if I lose my life? Are you going to be the one who comforts my family's sorrow?" I say quite disgruntled.

"Aren't you intrigued to know how adventures really feel like? Or to get to know a bit more of your history, maybe that will inspire you to have new visions in the future?"

I liked how Nate was putting an effort to persuade me with Sam's manipulative system. It didn't suit him at all.

"You wanted to know if we're real, right? according to your suspicion", Sully add on.

Now that was an interesting twist there. Sure I yearned to know.

"Well, yeah of course", I replied.

"This is the perfect opportunity, then", Sully smiled, content.

"So, what do u say? partner?"

Nate reached his hand. His gentle, humble eyes hooked on me. I was unsure at first, but a part of me wanted this. I legit wanted to be like Sam. After all, he had a huge impact on me, but that son of a b***h didn't know that. I doubtfully extend my hand towards Nate's, without a second thought, firmly shook it.


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