Behind the Scenes.

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Melinoë's POV.

Doors closed for lunch and the people were all out. Not a soul was in the room aside from those behind the tables. My face had a million pictures of it and my soul had lost all will to exist but as we got to behind the scenes I sat and we set about making the best of the time we all had with each other. I had my back to the rest of the area and the group all hung around in my eye line.

"Yo Smit. Throw me some." G fuel flew past my face as Smii7y came and then sat near to me. He was close enough to talk if we had the desire to but not close enough to be in physical proximity. Until I heard a British accent behind me and my ears picked up a little. I turned and two of the most innocent men I had ever met were talking amongst themselves. One camera was focused on the pair. Clearly vlogging.

"Twice in what? Less than a day I have been in the shooting range of you twats. I mean, Smii7y has a better aim than Brian but still fuck you guys." I jokingly cursed about the G fuel whilst I got to my feet and walked over to the British pair on the other side. A few smaller people were between but I wasn't paying any of them attention.

"Hey, sorry for the interruption. You two are Dan and Phil?" They nodded and smiled at me. Turning off the camera and shaking my hand in quick succession.

"Gingerbiscuit! I can't believe you know we exist." I laughed and looked at them. I was shocked. They were pretty big in England and they were like little puppies. Dan was supposed to be the dark one but he was not.

"You know. You are both a pretty big deal in England at least and America even more so. I couldn't miss you if I wanted to. Now, can I just say that you two are the most innocent and adorable pair. Dan you are supposed to be the edgy one but you remind me of like, year 9 me. Trying and just looking cuddly instead." He laughed and it was the loudest and strangest thing.

"You have the laugh of a goose. Keep it. I like it." I winked and flicked two fingers in a sort of salute as a goodbye. The pair had then begun to talk some more and record. I had spoken to the few I recognised and didn't want to look rude by asking the others who they were. I had watched very few YouTubers and so it would be rude to talk to those I couldn't even address.

When I came back they were all spaced at equal intervals with all the chairs in use and I was baffled. There were enough chairs for everyone when I left, and then there wasn't. I looked at them and they laughed.

"We had to sacrifice your chair for someone else. Come and sit on my lap." Evan was so kind and so I did. Only I was about two foot tall, not literally, so after three failed and frankly depressing attempts I just looked at him and pouted. Everyone laughed at how I was so short and I didn't know what else to do when Evan suddenly wrapped his strong arms around me and lifted me only he put me on his lap sideways. I turned to look at everyone straight on but he almost let me fall as I was about to slip.

"I am a mess. I want to die." I laughed into Evan's shoulder and that was when I had seen John's phone. He had been recording and I stuck my middle finger out. Hoping he would stop but he only continued to do as I didn't want him to. "Bugger you," I announced and John seemed to be finished filming as he put his phone down. I was tagged in a tweet immediately and I just sighed. John was a real piece of shit at times and he never had any exceptions.

The second half of the event was like the first only I had a little more understanding of what to do and so I was more confident. Smiling and taking pictures. When it came to an end it felt great to sit and do nothing. My feet and head hurt but paracetamol helped a million. There was no doubt about my love for the feeling of being pain-free.

We climbed into cars but Evan drove off with John and Craig first so I ended up in a different car. It was only Smii7y and me so it was clearly a set-up as everyone was oh so keen to go in other cars. I smirked slightly when I realised what had happened and I climbed in with no hesitation.

"Look, Smit." Before I could continue he had to add his part. We had started talking when it was basically at the end of the journey as I had been thinking of how to say what I had to say.

"I know. We are friends and you are happy with that. This is clearly not what you want so let's just move on and pretend that I have said nothing. We can play games and still chat but I will lay off a bit. You can move in if you want to but if you feel like that is too much then say so and I will drop it. No, I will only talk about it if you bring it up and if you don't then I assume that it is a no." He blurted it out as we pulled up to his drive. The music that had been quiet turned off with the car's engine.

"No, Smit," again as I went to speak he pulled the keys from the ignition and opened the door. Climbing out and not looking back. I had to jump out quickly and follow up. It was clearly something he was insecure about as he avoided me actually telling him, he was treating the conversation like the plague.

"Jaren Daniel Smith. Will you just listen to me?" I finally let go when he had opened the door and the boys all piled in. We had all been in the hall and the door barely shut as I let him finally hear me. Clearly, he wasn't up for listening as he took his shoes off and carried them up the steps to his room. He was not suffering fools lightly and I wasn't going to either.

The boys took their shoes off and watched me for a second as I stood unsure of what to do. My mind filled with ideas but none of them ended well. One being grabbing any of the next flights to England and dying in a hole of my own bitterness.

"All I said was 'look Smit'. I couldn't even say his name and then this. Bish you what?" I walked into the living room and sat on the sofa only for there to not be enough space and it made sense for me to get up and let couples sit together, I had to clear something up anyway.

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