o25: The Iceleve Sisters

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Melissa was waiting impatiently in her family room for a blonde haired girl to pop up. Cassie had promised to send one of her sisters to pick Melissa up for Christmas shopping. Her foot tapped on the hard wood floor of the family room, as she stared blankly out the window. There was a loud pop, causing Melissa to jump, and she turned to see a tall beautiful blonde girl with flawless skin and sparkling emerald green eyes standing in the middle of the room. She stood tall and strong, her posture perfect.

“Hello Melissa,” she said with a smile.

“Hi Emmy,” Melissa said and stood up, swinging her black beaded bag over her shoulder.

“Now remember, hold your breath,” Emerson said and Melissa nodded taking a deep breath. The feeling of being squeezed incredibly tight over took her body as everything went black. They landed in the middle of a large formal room; Emerson landed softly while Melissa hit the ground hard and fell over.

“You’ve improved; you didn’t get sick this time.” A raspy voice said with a smirk. Sommer was standing in the room with Amalia, Mark, and Bianca. All had platinum blonde hair and all were attractive. Bianca’s hair had the lightest hints of white hair with fierce green eyes that could cut someone like a knife. The sides of Mark’s hair had been taken over by wise grey hair and his stern blue eyes held the conceitedness as Melissa had remembered. All the Iceleve girls resembled their mother, abnormally beautiful woman—Melissa swore somewhere along the family line there was a Veela involved but Cassie spat at the idea.

“Hello Melissa,” Bianca said with a prim and proper smiling, walking over to the girl and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“Hello Mrs. Iceleve, it’s nice to see you again.” Melissa said with a smile.

“We heard about your brother.” Mark said, trying to hide the disdain, though Melissa saw it clear as day and ignored it.

“Yes, it’s rather exciting.” Melissa said with a smile.

“Just what Hogwarts needs, another muggle-born,” Sommer said, with the same disdain her father was trying to conceal out of courtesy to Melissa.

“Sommer,” Emerson snapped. Melissa knew how the Iceleve viewed muggle-borns, but normally they kept it to themselves to be polite.

“It’s fine, Emmy.” Melissa said, shaking her head. She’d gotten used to the cruel comments after being in Slytherin for a week—being called the Slytherin Mudblood for her first two years there had thickened her skin a fair bit.

“Is Sommer opening her fat trap again?” Cassie voice yelled from up the stone staircase.

“Of course, she can’t keep it shut,” Amalia called back.

“Now girls,” Bianca said sweetly though glaring harshly at her daughters. “Melissa came here for help for Christmas and that’s what she will receive not this embarrassing display of sisterly infighting.” She snapped sternly and the girls quickly hushed themselves. Cassie came down the stairs and hugged Melissa tightly.

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