Movie Night

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After leaving the bar, Mia realized it was only 9 o'clock so she headed back to her apartment. It was a cute one bedroom she found in Fort Lauderdale after leaving Los Angeles.
Pushing the door open, she dropped her keys on the kitchen island meandered into the living room and sat on her pink sofa. The apartment wasn't much when she moved in, but once she got her favorite mid-century style happening, it was perfect.
Thanks to Mr. Tall, dark and handsome jerk, she had time on her hands so she texted her sister.
- Hey sis. Got any movies I could check out?
Emma was a movie buff. Any genre, she didn't care. Mia was more of a reader.
- What the hell are you doing home so early on a Friday night?
- Was at the bar, then some drunken idiot decided to ruin my night. At least Christopher was there to help me out.
- Mia, when the hell are you going to get together. You're perfect for each other. He's sweet, funny not to mention gorgeous.
Emma had been after her about Christopher since she met him during a visit from Massachusetts, Mia's original home.
- Honestly, he's just a friend and after Daniel I'm just not ready.
- Sis, you gotta get back out there. I know what happened with Daniel sucked but it's been almost a year.
- Can we not talk about this right now? Just need some movie options.
- Ugh fine. What are you in the mood for?
- Not romance. Drama? Fantasy?
- Crimes of Grindelwald just came out. I know you love your Harry Potter movies.
Mia laughed. Hey, who doesn't like Harry Potter?
- Have you watched Wonder Woman or Man of Steel yet?
Emma kept bugging her about those.
- You know I'm a Marvel girl
- You're impossible. Oh! How about Mission Impossible - Fallout. That was awesome.
- I could go for some Tom Cruise doing crazy shit. Thanks Em.
- Glad I could help. Let me know what you think.
- Will do. Night.
Mia flipped on the tv and found it on a Netflix. After grabbing some popcorn and a drink from the kitchen, she sat down and pressed play.

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