School Drama

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     Ugh! Leah Martin was really beginning to hate school at Westside High School. Westside High was located in Houston, Texas, her home city. Leah was born in Houston and has lived there for her entire life.

Yeah, sports at school were great, especially basketball with her best friend, Andrea Wilson, though she preferred to be called Andy.

Her twin sister, Annabeth Martin, however, had no hardships through education, but Annabeth failed sports. Leah didn't care much for makeup, dresses, or high heels. Annabeth, on the other hand, loved all of those things. Annabeth was the older twin, born only 2 minutes before Leah.

Leah's crush, Justin West, had just stopped her in the hallway to ask her out! Leah had not yet said yes, though. She needed time to think about it. She needed to ask Annabeth. Annabeth was the queen of love.

Once she got home, she went straight to Annabeth's room. Her sister's room was full of pink and red hearts and all neat and tidy. Leah couldn't understand how her sister could keep her room so neat. Her bed was neatly made, and every single one of her pillows were nice and fluffy. Her twin's wallpaper changed every month.

This month, since it was February, Annabeth put her wallpaper to pink and red hearts. This wallpaper was one of her favorite themes. Annabeth's kitten, Malibu, named after her sister's favorite place, was playing with one of Annabeth's stuffed heart pillows.

Leah's room looked like a tornado had gone through it. Her bed was full of jerseys and socks and her carpet was littered with bags of chips. Her dog, Munchie, was asleep under some of Leah's socks. Munchie was a Maltese poodle. It was amazing how a cat and a dog could live in the same house peacefully. Annabeth was on her bed flipping through a magazine.

"Hey Annabeth, I need a few tips on- uh- boys," Leah said, blushing.

"Oh, really? She wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

"I think someone has a secret lover," she joked.

"Yeah, right. Just give me some tips, okay?"

"Fine," she replied.

"'First off, who do you even like?"

"Justin West, the quarterback on the football team. And he just asked me out on a date, " Leah said hugging one of Annabeth's plush pillows to her chest.

Annabeth looked shocked. "Justin West? The one I'm thinking about?! OMG!"

Leah replied nervously, "Yes. What should I do?"

"You have to tell me all the details!"

"Well, I was walking over to my locker-" Leah began.

Malibu chose that moment to jump on the bed. He gracefully walked over to Annabeth and hopped right next to her. Malibu, Annabeth's cat, was a British shorthair. Malibu snuggled close to her.

"Aw, hi there, cutie," Annabeth said in a gentle voice, suddenly forgetting about Leah and Justin.

"Annabeth!" Her mom called.

"Coming," she replied.

"I guess boy talk will have to wait," Leah muttered under her breath.


Did Coach really expect Annabeth Martin, to play basketball?! She definitely did not want to ruin her makeup, hair, nails (because she just got them done last week) or get bonked in the head, which she had last year.

Last year, the class bully, Jack Benson, had "accidentally" hit her in the head with a basketball. He obviously had a crush on her, and in his opinion, "Hittin' girls is how I get their attention."

It was a terrible experience. Her mind drifted back to the time Jack had hit her. She could still feel the ball hitting her. She had cried, but not because she was a crybaby. That ball had actually hurt! And besides, what was so good in basketball? All you did was throw a ball in a round thing. A "hoop" Leah had said.

Her sister was coach's pet, and Annabeth was the teacher's pet. Complete opposites. She usually helped everyone in the school with their crushes. Valentine's Day was coming up and the high school she was attending, Westside High School, was going to have a school dance.

Many boys asked her to the dance, including Jack, but she denied them all. She already had a date- and his name was Michael Robinson.

In Annabeth's opinion, he was the cutest boy in school. He was in her grade, 10th grade, and he had blonde hair. Another amazing bonus: He was smart and had straight A's, like her. He was one of the popular guys in her class.

Every single girl liked Michael, except for her sister who liked Justin, but she was his girlfriend. They were a perfect couple. She knew all of the other girls envied her, but lucky for them and unlike Brittany, Annabeth wasn't a snob about that. She didn't like talking much about her relationship with Michael.

She wanted to keep things private and personal. They went out on dates every now and then, but they liked to keep it to themselves. She also enjoyed being with her best friends, Alexis Miller and Christina Williams.

They were all on their way to being valedictorian, except that they had one problem- sports. They were all brainy but terrible in athletics. In basketball, the best they could do was throw an underhand throw, though they couldn't even catch one.

In baseball, Alexis hit herself on accident with the bat, Christina refused to touch the bat, claiming it was a weapon! To boost their score, they all signed up for cheerleading. Something with a little less "weapons," Christina had said. Tryouts were great. They all have had experience in gymnastics, and they practiced in Alexis' huge backyard. Alexis' backyard had a trampoline, a couple of mats to tumble, or accidentally fall on, and soft green grass. They did cartwheels, flips and much more. Oh, and most importantly, they made up cheers.

One of their cheers, Annabeth's favorite, was called the OA Musketeers. OA stood for over act, and Annabeth absolutely loved over acting. She always over exaggerated, or said something dramatically. Alexis, Christina, and herself were the 3 musketeers.

This is how the OA Musketeers Cheer went:

Annabeth: We're the...

Christina: O...

Alexis: A...

All: Musketeers! We're the OA Musketeers, the OA Musketeers. (Shuffling; shopping cart dance) Woo!!!!

The next day, they were glad when they saw their names published in the school bulletin: 2018 Cheerleading Team. Valedictorians, here we come! 

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