The Mission Part 1

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"Where is Michael?!" Annabeth grumbled impatiently.

"Hey Brittany-"

She stopped when she heard the name "Leah." Brittany never talked about her. Annabeth hid behind a locker to listen to what Brittany was saying.

"So let's review the plan. I flirt with Justin and you guys will videotape me and post it on Social Media. Make sure everyone thinks we are back together, got it? Ok, great." She watched as the girls walked away. Annabeth stood there for a moment, thinking. Was Brittany that eager to get Justin back? She had to tell Leah!

"I'll need someone and something to back my story," she wondered aloud.

Brittany and her friends overheard and snickered.

"Tell Leah what?" Brittany asked.

"Nothing," Annabeth mumbled.

"Tell me, or else," Brittany threatened.

Ashley and Daniella shifted uncomfortably. Were Brittany's BFF's scared of Brittany? Just then, Ashley spoke up,

"Brittany, isn't it time for cheer practice?"

"You guys can go on without me. I'll be there later. Tell the other girls I'm talking to a friend."

The 2 girls obeyed and left for cheer practice. They looked kind of relieved!

"Okay Annabeth, now that they're gone, where was I?"

She said they're as if her BFF's were strangers. She found herself pleading,

"Michael, Michael, Michael, please come."

"Oh, who are you talking to now? First, Leah. Now, my brother? Awww. How sweet. Pleading to your boyfriend to help you." Brittany sighed dreamily.

"Such a romantic moment. But wait, what's that? Oh, yeah! He won't come."

Just then, the door slowly creaked open. Could it be? Michael? But no. Mrs. Johnson, the math teacher, poked her head inside.

"Hello, girls. Brittany, aren't you supposed to be at cheer practice? And you, Annabeth, aren't you supposed to be taking flute lessons?"

"Uh," Annabeth said uneasily.

"Hi, Mrs. Johnson!" Brittany said in a sudden change of mood. "Yes, I suppose I shall go to cheer practice right away. I was just talking to a friend."

She flashed a perfect smile, and Mrs. Johnson smiled back. Brittany was the teacher's pet.

"Mrs. Johnson, do you mind if I could talk to Annabeth for a few moments before I go to cheer practice?" Brittany asked sweetly.

"Of course, my dear," Mrs. Johnson said.

Brittany pulled Annabeth over to a locker further down the hallway.

"Don't you dare, tell anyone about this, Annabeth. And if you even have the courage to do so, I'll tell everyone your secrets." Brittany said threateningly.

Only a couple of people knew Annabeth's secrets. Andy, Leah, Alexis, Christina, obviously, her parents, and somehow, Brittany. Back when Annabeth and Brittany were in kindergarten, they were best friends. As they grew older, they began to break apart from each other. Now, they each had their own group of friends. Brittany still envied Annabeth and her sister, though. Brittany finally left for cheer practice. Annabeth walked back to where her teacher was standing, rejected. She needed to tell someone, even if the results were harsh. She couldn't tell Leah, but maybe her sister's best friend, Andy. Now that Mrs. Johnson was in a good mood, Annabeth decided to speak.

"Mrs. Johnson," she began, trying to talk with confidence, "I was just getting my flute from my locker when my friend came to talk to me."

"All is good now, so off to your flute lessons!" Mrs. Johnson replied cheerfully. Annabeth left the hallway awkwardly.

"So-" Annabeth began. "Go on now, dear. You'll be late! Shoo!" Mrs. Johnson ushered her out with a steady, but gentle hand. 

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