The Talk

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As Andy waited for her brother, Carson, to get into the car, she twirled a lock of her coffee-brown hair anxiously. What did Carson want to tell her? And privately? It wasn't her fault that Annabeth was going to do all the hard work. After all, Leah was Annabeth's sister. The car door opened and Carson's head popped in.
     Seconds later, they were both in separate seats.
"So, Carson, what did you want to tell me privately?" Andy asked.
"Andrea, I'm sorry to say this, but I think that Annabeth is right. She does do all the hard work in the plan."
"Don't ever call me Andrea!" Andy snapped.      
     "Woah. Sis, I'm just trying to help you," Carson replied. He pulled leaned back as if he were watching a show.
     Andy took a deep breath. "Carson, listen. It's not my fault Annabeth has to do all the hard work. Annabeth asked for my help. She wanted to help Leah, and I did too. So, I figured that Annabeth should do the hard work."
"I see. But don't you think you should do some hard work too?" Carson said, arching his eyebrow.
"But-" Carson broke in, "Andy, apologize, and change the parts."
"Ok," Andy said glumly. "I'll apologize." She opened the car door, and apologized to Annabeth.
"It's ok," Annabeth said, "Now, we can do some business." She rubbed her hands together. Let's go into the school. Their new plan was:
Both Annabeth and Andy went inside the school to find the key
Carson would keep watch.
All walk back to Carson's car
     The trio walked up to the door. Annabeth took a bobby pin out of her hair and stuck it in the keylock. The door clicked and slowly creaked open.
"Good luck," Carson said, "And try to be as quiet as possible."
"Thanks, Carson. Thumbs up that we come back here alive! Andy said.
     The girls cept into the dark, empty school. Andy knew where everything was. The moon cast a shadowy glow around the school. She and Annabeth felt their way towards the key. The key was located in the principal's office. Hopefully, Mr. Lazi was gone. He probably was. No one was around at this hour.
     Annabeth knocked on Mr. Lazi's door, just to be sure. Silence.
"Coast is clear," Annabeth said.
Andy replied, "Good." The door opened easily. Andy breathed a sigh of relief.
"So far, so good." They searched for the emergency key.
     Annabeth opened all the drawers, and Andy checked on his desk, which was quite hard, considering all the trash, but with no luck. "Where could the key be?" Andy wondered aloud. "I'm not sure, but we need to find it fast," Annabeth said, her voice on the other side of the room. Andy's hand suddenly brushed across a sharp object. "Ouch!"
"What happened" Annabeth asked.
"Hit my hand on something sharp."
     She closed her hand around the object. It was in the shape of a key.
"Annabeth!" Andy said. "I think I found it." Andy heard shuffling in the darkness.
"Ok, I'm here." Annabeth said at last. Just then, the door opened.

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