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    Leah was so excited for her date with Justin. She sat on the doorstep of her house while waiting for Justin to come pick her up. She was wearing a sparkly, blue dress, something she never wore, and her golden hair was pulled back into a high ponytail with a blue ribbon around it to match with her dress. Her jade eyes glittered with excitement. Leah's royal blue pumps click-clacked on the cement as she waited for Justin's silver Toyota to pull up in the driveway. Leah could just imagine her first date... Justin would drive the two of them over to the local pizzeria, and they would sit at a table of two. Their dinner would be in candlelight. They would share dessert, and finally, he would give her a present! Maybe a necklace or a bracelet. Leah wouldn't be a girlfriend who demanded everything from their boyfriend. No, she was not a brat. But still, he still had to give her a present, right? Isn't that what every boy does?
     Leah didn't actually know for sure, but she knew someone who did. Annabeth. Her sister had told her the day before, "Everything should match." Leah even wore makeup! That was how excited she was for their first date. Annabeth had done all of the makeup because Leah had no idea what anything was. Yesterday, Leah had tried, just for practice, and the results did not turn out well. Leah had used mascara for her eyebrows, and lipstick as her eye shadow. Hey, lipstick is about the same color. Annabeth had taken one look at Leah's face and went to work. Leah sat on the doorstep for minutes... hours... but Justin never came. Where was Justin?!
     She was starving by now. She went straight to the local pizzeria she normally went to for dinner without changing a single thing. She still wore her dress, makeup, and heels. Once she arrived, something caught her eye. It was Justin and another girl! Was Justin dumping her?!
     Leah recognized this girl, though. She was the most popular girl in the school, Brittany Robinson. Michael, Justin's best bud was Brittany's brother. She was a beautiful girl with perfect wavy chestnut brown hair and she was wearing a pink flowy dress with fresh pink flowers in her hair. Brittany had a rose in her hand, which Leah guessed was from Justin. He whispered something in Brittany's ear and she giggled...
"Hey!" Leah shouted. This was going too far. The two turned and stared at Leah. "Justin, how could you do this to me?!" Leah shouted and ran just as her eyes gave out and tears trickled down her cheek.
Justin shouted back, "Wait, Leah! Let me explain!"
     Leah heard him, but she was to hurt to say anything back. She was done with Justin. Leah didn't listen to him. She ran all the way home. As she was running home, she twisted her ankle from her heels.
     "Stupid heels," Leah said, gritting her teeth from the pain. Later, she would need to put ice on her ankle, she thought. Leah took of the pumps and ran the rest of the way home barefoot. Leah burst into Annabeth's room and she stared blankly at me.
"What?" she said.


      He watched as his somewhat girlfriend ran away from him.. Leah hadn't let him explain. His life was to hard and complicated. His dad was an alcoholic, his mom worked as a waitress at the local pizzeria full-time, and his family was months behind in rent. He was only in the pizzeria because Brittany's parents owned the the place, which his mom worked at, and it just so happened that Brittany was there.
     Brittany was his ex-girlfriend. They had broken up months ago, but Brittany didn't think the same. He had whispered to Brittany "It's over, Brittany. I don't like you," he said as nicely as possible. "I like Leah."  She had just laughed nervously, thinking he was joking. He wasn't. He had to be nice to Brittany because she was Michael's sister and Brittany might tell her parents, who might fire Justin's mother, then his family might go broke. In addition to that, Michael and Justin were best buds.  Justin was the quarterback and Michael was the receiver. It was complicated, but he had to make Leah understand. He had to try.  He was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Sometimes there are situations you can't get out of, like this one.
     Justin just had to sit down with Leah and talk it out. He was willing to do anything to be with Leah. 
"I'm going to prove to her that I'm willing to be her boyfriend and I still am." he said trying to talk with confidence. He dialed up Leah's phone number and the phone started ringing.
"Hello?" His mind went blank. He didn't know what to say.
"Uh- Hi, Leah."
Leah recognized his voice and said impatiently, "What do you want?"
"I just wanted to meet up with you to explain about-um you know. How about the library? Just please let me explain. Leah, it's not-"
Leah cut him off. "Fine. See you next week then." She hung up on him.
He flung himself on his bed. Why were girls so difficult? Couldn't she just listen to his side of the story? At least now he would have the chance to explain. His life was so difficult. Justin wondered how Leah would feel if she were in his position. If only Leah could understand. If only...

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