The Lastest Gossip

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     Zoe sighed. She was just trying to get some of the latest gossip for her journal. She was going to turn her entry into a contest, but she didn't have any good news. Getting her story published would be like a dream come true. She could be famous, except she didn't have a good story. It kept coming back to that. She tried walking back and forth through the school hallways and asking people if they had any news, but she came up with nothing. She tried the park several times, and she was so desperate, she went there once more. As she was getting out of her car, she could hear someone screaming and it sounded like Brittany. She walked over like a cat to hear: 
"He did what with her?!"
"Well- you see, he went out on a date with Leah-"
"I already know that you idiot!"
Brittany was screaming so loud that people in outer space could hear her. Her little clique was talking in the park. She couldn't believe he would actually do that to her. "Girls?"
"What are some rumors about their date again?" Brittany said a little more calmly.
Daniella said, "He went to this Brazilian steakhouse with-you-know-who, and, apparently, they sat in a specially reserved area with candles!"
"Awww, that's so romantic!" Ashley said.
"I know right!"
Brittany was steaming. He hadn't done something special for their first date. It was just the usual Lisa's Diner date. For Brittany, taking Leah to someplace like that was the last straw. Brittany needed to end his relationship now, and she was willing to do whatever it takes. After all, money buys everything!
     Or so she thought. Crouching discreetly behind a tree close by was Zoe, the gossip girl. She had everything, and she wasn't going to let that good of a story be forgotten.
By the next day, Zoe had the whole thing out. Brittany being really mean, that she was not over Justin, and some other stuff. She also might have tweaked the truth a little bit too, like Ashley and Daniella being in a relationship with Justin at some point.
Zoe also thought about how she could finally get noticed for her writing. Her idol, famous journalist for MTV Paul White was also having a tour, which happened to be at their local activity center.
     There was a contest for best story and writing, and Zoe had applied. This could be her winning article. But she needed some more drama, and also, she needed to be the first to report and know about it. Time to gossip!
      When Justin noticed a lot of people staring at him in the hallway that same morning, he got a little bit nervous. He decided to go ask Zoe what was going on.
     She showed him the article. His jaw dropped. Justin was a tough guy, but this made him feel like being an invisible ball.
     This was so embarrassing! He thought Leah must feel the same way. He just avoided everyone. Justin did not want to talk about just yet. He walked down the hallway, looking down. As he was walking, he saw a pair of dark blue Nike's. Justin looked up and saw Leah's face. He wondered if Leah knew about the situation.
"Hi," he said, trying to avoid her eyes.
"What?" Leah asked innocently.
"Well, um," Justin said, shifting, "Here, come with me."
He took her hand and lead her to the football field. They sat down on the 5th row on the bleachers.
"Anything wrong?" Leah said, taking his hand.
Justin told her the whole story.
"Wow, I can't believe that Zoe would write that about us!"
Justin sighed. "I'm so tired with all of these rumors." He took her hands into his and looked deeply into her eyes. "I think we should take a break from this," he said.
Leah nodded her head slowly. She took off her ring that Justin gave her and put it on his finger. "It's a promise ring. When the time is right, we can get back together." she said.
"I'll be waiting for you until then," Justin said. He pulled her in and gave her a long, lingering kiss.

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