6 days left | Saturday 6th of April

73 9 4

Dear Diary,

Today was a nice day!
I completed my homework, assessments and chores and I literally just relaxed the whole day. I started learning both Satisfied and Take a Break on piano! I love playing piano and I can't wait till I finish both songs so my friends and I can sing Hamilton together!! I love it when we all just make a Hamilton relatable meme with life and then just start singing all 46 (plus mixtape songs) down the school hallways, it's just beautiful. Embarrassing, but beautiful!
     I got to do some drawing and improve my drawing skills and I chatted with my friends!
     So today wasn't very eventful but the China trip will be here in less than a week!

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I really, really appreciate it! Really!
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If you have any suggestions or comments to make on stuff I should do or challenges I should take part in or specific things you want me to take photos of, please tell me in the Comment Section or on my Profile! I would love to here suggestions on things I can do in China!
A shout out to my friends on WattPad and in real life: TheSilentWolf60 , hufflepuff_queen192 , Airres7 , DramaQueen16720 , lLizywallace123 , Winter_Rose_06 , and MadHatterMlio for always just being amazing people in my life and supporting me! Love y'all!
See you guys in the next entry!
Sincerely, Me.


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