5 days left | Sunday 7th of April

42 4 0

Dear Diary,

Today, I was planning on just staying home, drawing, probably (probably not) exercising, practicing piano, watching YouTube, being the vegetable that I am and sitting at home and rotting, but no, fete decided to force me to do something else.
It is my friend's birthday today (I won't give her name) and I wished her a Happy Birthday and I created a chat for my friends and I to talk on so we can decorate her locker tomorrow morning at school! I hope it turns out successful!
Anyway, I was playing piano and making some great progress on Take a Break and Satisfied from Hamilton but then my parents said that we're going down to the festival in our area. No thanks!
The festival is on for two days. The first day is for kids and families and has rides and petting zoos and stuff but the second day is all Art and random Knick-knacks and plants. The second day is really boring. But no, they forced me to come.
There was some good Art, some crappy Art (no offense), and my parents frequently made comments, "coincidently" when we were near other people saying that "You could do better" and "Next year, you should enter some of your Art". I actually do consider it now though. It would be nice to enter some of my Art (See my Artbook on my profile) next year.
When we walked into the center of town, all the rides that were there yesterday weren't there. What really annoyed me was that all we did was look at other people's Art when I could be at home creating Art too! We walked all the way down the hill when my dad decided, "Let's go back,".
So back up the hill we went. We have a good reason for going out though. For some reason, my less-than-one-year-iPad case/keyboard is at 10% battery, despite the packaging saying that the battery lasts for four years! Luckily, we have a one year warranty. So we can get it changed or fixed.
So yes, we went out for lunch and replaced the iPad case for a new and (hopefully) better one. We did some shopping and my mum bought me a really nice white jumper that I'm planning to wear on holiday next week.
When I got home, I was worn out, and a pain on my right heel was killing me. I couldn't walk without feeling pain (I'm not that unfit, this is just a random pain that I had since yesterday night)!
So I just relaxed the rest of the day, played more piano, had dinner, had a warm shower, and wrote this! I also made some posters for my friend's birthday tomorrow to stick on her locker tomorrow! (I don't live in America, our school just has lockers)
Night night, guys!


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See you tomorrow!

Sorry guys, I was supposed to upload this yesterday, and I did finish it yesterday, but I just forgot to publish it, lol. Sorry.


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