Travelling day | Saturday 27th of April

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We didn't actually travel till the evening and it's only an hour flight so I'm not gonna bother adding times.


Dear Diary,

I got up and freshened up before my sister (she was off work for the day) made mini pancakes for breakfast which were nice. Then I spent some time with my family talking and stuff and editing some of the photos of Lin-Manuel Miranda to add some of his quotes on top.
Then I spent some time picking videos to screen-record so we can watch them on the plane. I also spend some time trying to convince my dad to liking Lin-Manuel Miranda because he just doesn't get the fact that he's a legend! It annoys me so much every single time he disses him, it hurts my soul. Lin-Manuel Miranda worked hard to be where he is and should not be disrespected for how far he's come and at such a young age!
Look at how proud he is:

     My auntie made dumplings for lunch that were delicious! And straight after lunch, when everyone was relaxed and talking at the table, I brought over my drawing of my auntie and I and gave it to her

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My auntie made dumplings for lunch that were delicious! And straight after lunch, when everyone was relaxed and talking at the table, I brought over my drawing of my auntie and I and gave it to her. I sat and watched as they stared and commented and stared at me and took it in turns to pass the drawing around.
Deep dark thoughts: Whenever I achieve something, I feel like I haven't achieved enough. Like I haven't reached my full potential. Like I should do better. But I still don't know what I should be good at. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up and I'm scared I won't decide in time. And I'm scared that if I choose the wrong path, I'll end up in a bad place. But I have no idea of my fate so I'm always unsure. I stress every minute of the day, there's no way to escape those thoughts each day and I hate it. It feels so bad. I really want to be sure of which path to take. I hope I'll know one day.
I spend the afternoon helping my parents pack our suitcases. My dad brings two of the kittens that are children of the stray cat outside and they were so cute! I couldn't let them go!
Then, we all got dressed and loaded the car up with our suitcases before heading off on the road. We stopped by Pizza Hut to grab a pizza for the neighbours' (they were driving us to the airport) son who goes to school. The son goes to a really strict school that doesn't allow the students to go out. The son goes to school on the Monday morning and doesn't return home till after lunch on Sunday! And if the student/s don't pass a test, they are sat down to study, study, study until they get the test right. I never knew how hard Chinese school was until I came here this year! I don't think I could come to school in China, I've already adapted to the Western way of life!
When we parked outside, the son ran over and we told him that my brother was in a car further up the road and he said he would run up and say hi but the security guard stopped him and told him that he had to go back inside! I can't believe a kid who studies hard every minutes of the day, isn't allowed to step a few metres out os the school to meet a dear friend! It's so strict! So we called my brother to run over to the gate instead and say hi. God bless him to do good in life!
Then we got to the airport and we checked in our suitcases. Then, we had to say goodbye to our family . . . T^T
We all hugged each other till we were crying and despite my dad being from the opposite side of the family, he was crying the most out of all of us. Poor dad. I left my auntie (the one I drew the drawing for) last and hugged her extra tight before we left. I hate sad goodbyes.
Then we went through security and found our gate and got Starbucks before boarding the plane. About twenty minutes after take-off, I got out my iPad and my brother and I watched the videos I had recorded. We didn't even finish the videos when a flight attendant came around and told us to stow it away for landing.
I had nothing to do, so I just started singing the musical of Hamilton in order. Alexander Hamilton first, then Aaron Burr, Sir and I got to My Shot before we landed.
We got off the plane and collected our suitcases before catching a taxi to our hotel that we always go to whenever we go to Shanghai (The Millenium Hotel). It is just as I remembered it. It feels like my home away from home. Here are some photos:

 Here are some photos:

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     My mum left to go grab some snacks and drinks so my brother, dad and I went up to our room and waited for my mum

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My mum left to go grab some snacks and drinks so my brother, dad and I went up to our room and waited for my mum. She brought to our room my favourite snack in Shanghai. It's a little soup with tofu or what Chinese call dofu on wooden sticks that you eat and dip in the soup which does taste amazing. It tastes just as I remembered.
Then I had a shower and wrote this entry before going to sleep.


Thank you for 185 views! I appreciate it a lot!
Have a lovely day/night!


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